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Hi there!

I am sharing a couple of scenes I am considering for Book 3 Special Edition art, and would like you, the readers, to vote on them! I picked short excerpts from these scenes and ask that you take a quick peak (Chapter 29 if you wanna read the whole thing).

If it ends in a tie, I'll have Kat choose. Please take a peek and let your voice be heard!

Beth and Naia Scene:


“Please, please, please…” She begged, her words floating away from her. Her whole body was humming, and an aura had formed around her that connected her to the water. Images appeared in the bubbles around, memories of masturbating with her dildos over the years. She watched as they synced up, each one zooming in on her face that first moment she would penetrate herself, her mouth open and her eyes rolled back in ecstasy.

The nymph was no longer just inside her body. She was now in her mind, playing back Beth’s greatest hits.

She felt a gentle pushing against her ass. She let go of Naia’s head and grabbed her ass cheeks, pulling them apart for the large cock that entered her from beneath. It hummed inside of her, resonating with the other through the thin perineal wall between them. Naia’s tongue was now a steady stream of water against her clit now, like a removable shower head on full blast.

The two cocks took turns filling her up and her legs kicked frantically. She felt the orgasm building, but couldn’t seem to get enough air. She was being reprogrammed, all control stripped away from her. Her insides churned with excitement, the light around her body streaming brightly through the water like a sunbeam. This wasn’t just Naia getting her off. The nymph had filled her up, stretching her holes until she felt like she would burst.


Tink and Mike scene


“Not toward the house!” She sped away, her wings beating frantically. Loud clunking sounds came from where she had been, so they followed behind her, moving as quickly as they could. Tink was the slowest, so Mike picked her up and carried her slung over his shoulder.

“Husband go faster!” Tink patted him on the back to urge him on. Mike rolled his eyes.

“What is coming after us?”

“Scary chair!” Something metallic pinged off of the walls causing Mike to tap into his inner sprinter. They moved through a couple of twists in the tunnel and a dim light appeared at the end of the tunnel.




Wow talk about a close vote I'm on pins and needles wondering which 1 will win


,.. and why do I admire the way Alice's mind works? (See the Alice comment above and tell me that it is not an awesome mind at work!) ;-) TTFN


I love Tink's line telling 'husband' Mike to run faster,.. reminds me of 'Jaws' when the sheriff tells the Orca's captain that they will need a bigger boat! So classic, hah! TTFN