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Hi all!

This is a brief update to let you know what's going on with...well, everything.

Okay, so first of all, I've had SO many requests for this that I finally couldn't ignore them. It seems weird even mentioning it on my Patreon, but I now have a donate button!


I have a couple of places I am going to put it. the only reason I am sharing it here is because I've had Patrons specifically ask me about making one. The benefit to the donate button is that the whole amount goes to my company (no sharing with Patreon, etc). And by going to my company, it then gets funneled into paying myself or paying to produce books (etc).

This will find a home somewhere on the main site, which I'm a bit behind on updating (I'm behind on life at this point).

Second, thank you to the people who purchased and left reviews for Last Arachne. It hasn't sold very well so far, but it's definitely a story for niche readers. Publisher is getting ready to go over some data and see if we can't give that wonderful story a boost.

Third, the next Hardcover is going to be available for sale soon! Labyrinth will have it's own hardcover sometime in March, so keep your eyes peeled if you're a collector.

For those of you who aren't on Discord, we had an issue last week when I was notified that some douche bags had stolen the audiobook and uploaded it to Youtube. I won't get on my soapbox and rant about all things plagiarism, but I got ahold of the Publisher late at night and he managed to get Youtube to take them down three days later after having to Verify All The Things.

Seriously, if I had been forced to do this myself, it easily could lead to doxxing myself to people who steal shit for a living. If you file a copyright claim on any website, they can argue the claim, which then gets them whatever paperwork you filled out. Super frustrating. A similar thing is happening to Burnt Redstone right now over on Amazon.

Kat is still hard at work doing Book 3 art. I will probably have her take a break after the next piece to produce something fresh for Patreon, then make her go back to the grindstone.

Thanks to all of your for your patience with me, I have been trying to keep a lot of balls in the air while I juggle writing, real life and publishing. The funny conversations on Discord have really kept me going, and your enthusiasm is my fuel.

On a side note, I've been looking at a lot of space things recently. Asking questions, pondering science. Just saying.

I've been super busy, but I've decided to blow off some steam by going to the following link and voting for BluDragyn to win an award. Feel free to vote on other categories where applicable, but I'm going to support a fellow writer I know and respect (who helped get me back into the Clitorides last year).


He is in the Shouldn't You Be Monetizing This category under The Runesmith Chronicles. My hope is that we can descend in mass and destroy the competition for him, cause I didn't see him hyping it himself. My secret hope is that I see Alexa ponder how he got a hundred times the number of votes that anybody else did.

That's it from me! See you in March!


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