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Hi all!

Okay, so a quick update on where things are.

Next chapter: Is well under way. I'm not writing anywhere near as fast as I would like, but I'm doing my best (which is all I can ask for).

Book 3: The first round of developmental edits is back. I have no idea when I will be able to tackle these, but it's a start!

Monthly Art: The monthly art may be a bit spotty for awhile. Kat has officially started doing the artwork for the Special Edition of Book 3. With 16 chapters at our usual pace (one chapter a month), it would be next fall before the Special Edition of Book 3 could release. This is something I will try to balance, but I am definitely not in a place (financially) where I can hire another artist to help me keep up. That's because I am saving up for...

Audiobook 2: If you want to listen to the first chapter, the link from my December post is still valid. Amber has been slowed down by other projects, so I don't have a timeframe for when it will be done.

My big goal for every month is still two chapters. Would love to hit three, but it isn't feasible right now. If things go well for me this year, I hope to release Book 3, Audiobook 2, and write book 5 and part of book 6. 

That's the news for now. Also, I did start a channel for Patrons over on Discord called Science Friction. It is where we are discussing fun ideas for a potential Sci-Fi story (with all my free time). However, I am slowly world-building (which I can easily do while working), so that when I can write those first few pages, it will be solid in my head.

That's the news for now, stay awesome and I will see you soon!



Keep up the great work!


thanks for the effort you put in delivering a wonderful story to us