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Hi all!

For me, it's officially Christmas, and I intend to get absolutely blasted on hot cocoa and cookies. I've been looking forward to a quiet day with the family, and we will probably watch Christmas movies and sit by the fire for a good chunk of it.

This year has been hard (that's a fucking understatement).  I want to make sure to thank all of you for continuing to support me, even during these difficult times. I'm reminded of my many trips to the Renaissance Faire when I was younger, because there was one thing that many of the performers would say at the end of each act that always stuck with me.

"Thank you so much for coming today. We rely on your generosity to feed our families, and the money you give us allows us to continue being artists. Without you, what we do would simply go away." (Okay, it was more eloquent than that, but i was usually hopped up on turkey legs and 100 degree heat)

In short, I couldn't be here without you. Naturally, I try to have something a little special to share with Patrons, and I wasn't able to get a holiday tale cranked out this month (glares at D&H Ch. 12).

Luckily, I believe in backup plans. And just like Christmas morning in the Hawthorne house, I am posting this bright and early just in case you snuck down the stairs to have a peek at what was under the tree.

First off, a picture of some boobys. I hear that everyone loves looking at them.

What a beautiful pair they make. I could just give them a squeeze!

Second, this one was just as much a gift for myself. One of my Patrons started working on a fan-made HFHM game where you can run around the house and battle monsters using some of your favorite characters like Mike and Tink. Done in an old SNES style, I thought some of you would like to check out the demo. It will be available for download until January 1st (I'm making my publisher Wet Leaf Press host the files, cause I am almost out of space and they are beefy).

It should work on PC or Mac, and I have no idea what the specs need to be (but it was made in RPG maker, so shouldn't need anything too fancy. It may be something fun to do while you pass the time updating your (potentially non-existent) PS5/XBXS. I don't know how much the creator wants to take credit, but I was very impressed by the amount of time spent on this project and the attention to details, so feel free to show them some love in the comments (or over on the Discord)

Home for Horny Monsters Game-Demo 

Okay, so what did I get you all for Christmas this year? Let me check my list...

  • Boobies
  • Video Games
  • Something unexpected

So I bet you are wondering what I have for you that is unexpected? How about a sneak fucking preview of the next audiobook?

That's right, you're about to shove Chapter 1 of Audiobook 2 into your earholes for your aural pleasure. This is a rough draft, not a final edit (we couldn't get any edits done in time), but Amber busted her ass to make certain that you would all have this first thing Christmas morning and be able to listen to the girls of the Radley house as a new adventure starts. 

This will get taken down on January 1st as well (the game and this clip take up 10% of our online storage!) so download it now!

Radley's Labyrinth Chapter 1: Audiobook Version

It's about an hour long, so make some time for it :P

Folks, that's it from me. I will have D&H out by month's end, and then will be focusing heavily on HFHM book five for the foreseeable future. I hope that you are having an amazing holiday season.

Merry Christmas! Happy Holidays! All my love to to you monster-lovers, thank you for everything!


Roy Gathercoal

0n a vacation to Mexico's Pacific coast I had the opportunity to actually touch and handle some real boobies. They were swirling and bobbing and dipping in the most enticing ways. One became tangled in a line , so I gently cupped it in my trembling hands as I eased away everything that had constrained it so recently. It lay in my hands, warm and wet, as if it were carefully observing each motion of my gentle fingers. Finally freed, it briefly flopped down, then quickly righted itself and soared into the heavens. It was a glorious, magnificent experience. From that day I have often contemplated the feel of the booby, replayed my tentative attempts to free it, and dedicated myself to study and practice so that if I ever have the opportunity to stroke a booby again, it will be the most graceful, liberating, fulfilling experience for both of us.


Sadly came to late for the downloads, but I'm still pumped about Book 2 getting the same awesome Amber-treatment as the first one did.

Annabelle Hawthorne

Downloads are still there. I always leave stuff like that up just a little bit longer, will likely take them down this weekend.😉