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Hi all!

So, it's December. I'm amazed at how quickly we got here, despite 2020 somehow being several years long.

Anyways, just a couple little updates for you.

The Audiobook has officially gone Gold (or whatever we want to call it). As of my last royalty payment, I am officially out of the hole for the cost of productions, meaning every sale of it from this day forward goes straight into my "I actually get to keep some of this?!?" fund. Naturally, the profits are going straight toward producing the next audiobook, which will cost quite a bit more (that's what happens when your sequel is 50% longer).

I have to say that I am very proud of how the audiobook is doing. Without your enthusiasm (and Amber's talents), the audiobook would just be languishing on the internet forever. Every copy sold helps me to justify having another one made, because you can't assume that everyone who buys the first will buy the second.

The Special Edition of Labyrinth hit a pair of snags when it didn't import correctly into some new publishing software I got. That made me sad, but not as sad as realizing that I was missing art for another chapter. Kat is currently in the middle of drawing Asterion for the first time, so those of you who'v pledged enough will get to see that.

After over a year, Book Four finally wrapped up here (and everywhere else). I have been getting blasted with some absolutely wonderful messages (and my email reflects that right now). Not only is it great to finish another story, but I had a chance to grab a fun screenshot:

I can honestly say that I am extremely proud of how far my writing has come (and so happy to see BluDragyn right on my heels). Having such a supportive (and dedicated) community allows my stories to have higher visibility, and you lot have certainly delivered. The competition on Lit is absolutely fierce, and being able to stand out takes a ton of work on my part and yours. For this, I want to thank everyone who made sure to leave some stars for me.

Speaking of Last of Her Kind, I'll just drop this here:

I want to thank everyone who took the time to give me feedback on cover art (both here and on Discord). We've been working on this cover since September (there were some very bad iterations). Anyway, this book is currently at the formatters. Once they are done, it will be available as both ebook and Paperback. Depending on timing, it may be out this month (2-4 week wait right now).

As for Rewards, I am hoping to get the rewards post out later this week, so keep your eyes peeled. If the timing works out, I am hoping to send out reward letters and also be all "the Special Edition of Book Two is out now," so that will be cool.

Alright, that's enough from me. I hope everyone is gearing up for a safe and wonderful holiday season!



WooHoo! Very happy to hear that Audiobook 1 is in the black and Audiobook 2 is somewhere on the horizon. Also, well done and well earned on the Lit ratings. The Last of Her Kind news is especially fitting considering the last scene of your latest installment of Book 5.


I think everyone is pleasantly surprised at the success of the audio book and I'm looking forward to officially adding The Last of Her Kind to my book collection. It's so nice to see some good things happening this year instead of the constant gloom that is 2020. Keep up the great storytelling and take care Annabelle.❤