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Hi all!

I guess the first place to begin is in regards to giving thanks. 2020 has been a shit year for pretty much all of us, between a pandemic locking things down, pretty much everywhere being on fire, etc.

But through it all, I want to say that I am certainly thankful that my family still has their health, and I am very thankful for you. Despite the hardships of the year, we are still growing the HFHM legacy, and it would be impossible without you.

I absolutely love writing. It isn't so much about just putting down the words, it's about getting to see how you all react to the world that I've built. I absolutely adore my characters, and it brings me so much joy to hear how excited you are to spend time with them.

Here are some of our successes for the year:

Book 2 finally launched, and last I checked, it was still getting great reviews. It's fairly common to see a huge drop in sales for books past the first one (readers who lose interest) so I am shocked most days to see that I typically sell the same numbers of book one and two. 

Dead and Horny was a bit of a surprise for me. I wanted to write about Lily and Dana, and apparently plenty of you are happy to come along for the ride. It's been so much fun fleshing out these characters that I wish I could do it with all of them.

The Audiobook is currently a runaway hit (in my mind). As of typing this, we are closing in on a thousand units sold, which is absolutely phenomenal.

The Discord channel has over 600 people in it, and there are plenty of regulars that call it home. I love watching everyone chat about the story, their lives, and some of the weird shit you find on the internet. I've seen a few people become friends over there, and I think it's amazing to see people come together over stories. We're kind of like a book club, but with fewer bitchy women and paperback books with medallions and/or Oprah's endorsement on them.

The Patreon is obviously my biggest achievement so far. The money has not only helped me finance all of my publishing stuff, but it has allowed me to take some financial hits without having to make other sacrifices. 

So what's next for ol' Annabelle and Wet Leaf Press?

To start with, this should be coming out real soon:

I have my fingers crossed for a December release.

Book 3 is with the editor. I am hoping to get that done and maybe finished by summer, but good god, I never knew how much time this shit takes. 

With the Audiobook selling so well, my publisher and I pulled the trigger and are happy to announce that Amber is officially working on rough audio for Audiobook 2. I hid a teaser trailer at the end of my last Amber video, congratulations to those who spotted it.

And while I have nothing more to add right now, I will say that I have something else in the works, and can't wait to let you know more about it when it's ready.

Anyway, Happy Thanksgiving to those who celebrate it, happy thursday to the rest of you, and I hope you find some joy in this holiday season.



Thank you for your continued works, and I'm hyped for the new releases coming next year! Itll be great to add book 2 to my audible!


Happy Thanksgiving

Pana Napoleon

Awesome sauce. Thanks for your awesome works, and best wishes for you and yours.


The real world may have sucked this year but I'm glad the monster world seems to be doing much better.


Looking for some help on getting in on the discord chat