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Hi all!

Okay, so this is going to be very brief, so stick with it.

1. The final chapter of Book Four will post by the end of the month. I am thinking of posting it either end of day on the 30th or beginning of the day on the 31st. I am busy trying to finish a difficult scene, but it's totally doable in the next few days. Beta readers have been an immense help in this process, and the chapter is around 15k as it is, and will get longer.

2. Book Three is officially with the editor for a first pass. I think I told you this? I don't know anymore.

3. I've been a bit absent from Patreon and Discord, but only because I needed some time to recalibrate. Real life has been busy is all. I am feeling a lot more focused, and took the time to read a book yesterday.

4. Once Book Four is done, Book Five will start almost immediately. Once Dead and Horny is done (final chapter will be 12), I may take a small break from posting side stories to figure out how I want to tackle a sci-fi novel as a new side project, which means a solid dose of HFHM through the holiday season. I still intend to write something with spaceships and a sexy alien cast, but I am not planning anything as broad as HFHM, so really want to have my shit together.

5. No art for this month because Kat has been drawing the final panel for the Special Edition, which I hope to get finished and out to everyone who has earned it by beginning of next month, after pledges go through. Sorry this has taken so long, but it's already looking really good.

6. Obviously I am working on at least one surprise, which I was hoping to announce by now. Oh well, maybe next month 😈


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