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Hi all!

This is going to be brief, so stick with it. Kind of blog style.

October has been so fast, I have no idea where half of it has gone already! 

I've had more than one home repair situation come up, and my writing has been tanked due to lack of time. Covid has kept my entire family at home, which means I've been unable to break away. It also doesn't help that I fucked up my hand last month. It still hurts on occasion, but at least I can now type again for more than five minutes without being in agony.

The Special Edition will be ready soon(ish). For those who missed the announcement, I apparently missed a chapter when I had Kat do art, so that was kind of fucked up on my part, I'm really sorry about that.

D&H Chapter 10 is almost ready, and HFHM 60 should be ready by month's end, so my release schedule shouldn't be altered. D&H will have 12 chapters when said and done, and then I will probably focus solely on Book 5 for a couple of months.

I have a couple of side things in the works that I really want to announce, but I've learned my lesson about announcing shit early. These aren't projects taking huge amounts of my time, but I'm sure you'll be excited when I can tell you more.

The audiobook has sold over 700 copies so far. Audible doesn't tell you how much you make until a full month after you sold those copies, so it is technically two months until you get paid for an audio sale. This is good news, because the more copies I sell, the more likely I am to commission Amber to do another audiobook.

Oh, and just so I end this update with a casual mention, I did, in fact, send the manuscript for Book 3 to my editor for a first round edit. I am hoping to get it back and then address edits through the beginning of 2021. 175k words for Book 3, my word count is slowly getting out of hand (Book four is already huge).

Anyway, happy Wednesday everybody!



Here's hoping Thursday is better for you! I'm sorry life is being, you know, life. Too bad you don't have a goblin to handle home repairs ;) I'm rooting for you and looking forward to whatever you have planed. ❤


Take your time getting your hand to heal properly, I know from experience that trying to force things with your hands never ends well :(