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Hi all!

What the hell is this? A poll? On this website?

Anyway, I'm running a poll. So allow me to explain. As some of you know, I took the Christmas story from last December (the one starring Tink) and made it into an ebook that people can get on my website by signing up for my New Release Newsletter.

Since doing so, I've been raking in a few people a day, which means that I have created a viable channel to reach non-Patrons and non-Lit/SOL/Wattpad readers. I did this by putting a link to the free ebook in all of my published ebooks.

(Okay, okay, Anni, get to the poll)

Holiday Hijinks is a temporary freebie. At some point, I will replace it with a different freebie. It will depend heavily on when I get around to it, but once Hijinks retires, it will be set aside temporarily and eventually make its way into a HFHM short story anthology.

So, the poll. Who do you want a little short story about? I am limiting options to girls who 1) I have a basic plot for and 2) not Dana or Lily. They got a whole damn book already. Also, short stories won't be Patron-Paid posts, and they will occur at various stages of the timeline (like Tink's).



Any would be good but I always liked Abella and she doesn't get enough love.


Man, I want to hear stories about them all... I only clicked Sofia because I thought her history could illuminate more about the order.. As others said Jenny got a little time under the stage lights. Can I change my vote though? Abella is maybe the biggest enigma at the moment, and perhaps the least developed main character currently. I sometimes worry she might get lonely, and feel like an outsider, what with her floor destroying density.