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Hi all!

I got rewards letters sent out today. For those of you who are unware, I keep track of your total pledges and then give you freebies based on your generosity. These rewards start small, but build up to some interesting stuff (check them out!).

Anyway, the process is easier than ever, but not automated. I pretty much have to look at a list of all 600+ of you and guess who just popped up to the next level. No big deal, but I always miss a few people. Just comment below if I missed you (don't message me unless you have to, it's WAY easier for me to check pledges through your comments) and I will fix it!

As for the Special Edition of Book Two, I ran into several snags.

1. The program I used to make Book 1 is no longer supported by my current OS. So I am learning how to use a new program, which has slowed me down. I do like to personally make these, and there is a picture for each chapter.

2. Everything is on fire. While not in any danger, the smoke got so bad that I essentially went through allergy season: the sequel and my vision was totally fucked. Couldn't even read off my computer screen, so doing that while fucking with the new program didn't help.

3. Did you know that the Special Edition of Book One had a secret chapter at the end? Well, the chapter isn't finished yet, cause, in the words of Tink, "Can't see through stupid fuck cloud of fuckity fuck!" I actually used my sole writing time for completing this most recent chapter of HFHM, and this was only after eye drops, nasal spray, and sometimes even a shower just to get enough smoke off of me so I could sit without my eyes running.

Anyway, I did provide the link and password for the Special Edition prior to release so that I could just tell everybody "Hey, it's up now" and if you have access, you can go get it.

Okay, that's it for now, enjoy your rewards everybody!