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Hi all!

I just wanted to check in real quick. This month is going to be a little extra busy for me because I will be putting together the Special Edition for Book Two prior to sending out rewards. How exciting is that?

In case you forgot, Radley's Labyrinth launched this week. I am carefully monitoring sales over the next couple of months, because this one really became a labor of love in that I made the hard choice to have it re-edited. The new editor did a wonderful job, and helped me find the spirit of the story.

Oh, and just a reminder that I will be releasing the next chapter of HFHM in the next week or so. Last month's chapters got switched, but I am moving back to our regularly scheduled program.

The audiobook has been selling well enough. Really, I just need it to make enough money to justify paying Amber to do a second one. I do still owe you a couple of videos about voice acting from Amber, but I've been under a terrible time crunch. If any of you out there have Audible UK, I still have a bunch of redemption codes if you want to get it free. You just need to leave it a review when you're done to help me get more sales :)

That's all from me, I'm busy writing Chapter 58 and working on ||REDACTED||. Hope you have an amazing week!


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