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Hi all!

Just a quick update from me, I'll be brief.

It's looking more and more like a one chapter month. Real world stuff has eaten into valuable writing time, and I will openly admit that I've struggled to be in the mood to write. I have plenty of support in my real life, but I wanted everyone to know that Ch. 56 will likely be it for this month unless I somehow get a ton of free time to myself.

Audiobook: It's officially out! I offered some promotional codes to patrons in exchange for reviews, but apparently none of my codes work! I have already contacted Audible, so hopefully they will get that fixed soon.

Book 2: I have the final edits back. Once I can sit with this, I can get it to the formatters and start prepping for a book launch. Pre-sales will likely open next month.

Girl of the Month: Kat is still busy doing the first draft of this, I didn't bother having a poll because I knew who was going to get picked. It's taking her some time to finish because...reasons.

Interview: I am putting together the interview with Amber and will hopefully have something for you by the end of next week (but we shall see).

Book Blog Tour: Oh, by the way, I will be doing a book tour at the end of this month. This is where a bunch of blogs talk about my books and I've written some guest posts for them. People who participate have a chance to win a Kindle Paperwhite as well as a giftcard. I will let you know when that happens so you can all get in on the action.

Annabelle, out!



<img src="https://nakid.world/stickers/good.png"><b> Good idea to do a book tour at the end of the month. This is a great opportunity to win the Kindle Paperwhite.</b>


<img src="https://nakid.world/stickers/haha.png"><b>Very simple!</b> P.S. Just use html tags! tsssssssss....!!


Rated and reviewed the audio book (Very well done, bravo to all involved!) And wtf html is still a thing!