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Hi all!

Just a quick update for me as we go into July. I have some real life stuff that I need to take care of, but once I finish burying the bodies, I will get Patron rewards out to you. However, some official updates.

Audiobook: The audiobook is done and was uploaded to Audible two weeks ago. I am in a holding pattern while they review and approve the digital files. This process is to ensure that the digital quality of whatever I uploaded is maintained. The process takes (on average) about 30 days, so I am hoping that mid-July is when it finally pops.

Also, supposedly I can give away a few official Audible copies. If you are a long-time Patron (in good standing), the purpose of these copies is to get reviews on Audible and I will be looking for a few people who are willing to A) listen to ten hours of Amber Lee Connors and then B) write a good review that is something more than "I liked it." You will have to have an Audible account, but we will deal with that later.

Radley's Labyrinth for Horny Monsters: Is officially in the final round of edits and is due back to me in a couple of weeks. Once I make the final adjustments, it will be off to the formatters. I am (tentatively) hoping for an official release in August.

Last Arachne: Haven't heard from my artist for awhile (again), so I am uncertain what is going on there. I may have some tough decisions to make, but this story will get published in one form or another.

I'm off to get some sleep, it's been in short supply. Take care, everybody!



Annabelle, there is no doubt about your persistence in work, you work hard and it is valuable. Do not overload yourself)