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Hi all!

Okay, so this one is a bit different. My publisher has coordinated with Silver Dagger Book tours and I will be doing guest blogs all across the internet starting in late July (you will get plenty more info by then).

How these tours work is different websites will say "This is Annabelle, she's so pretty, oh, and here is her book." Then they will usually have a guest post done by me, and this will somehow transform into millions of readers (if I'm lucky)!

Anyway, other than telling you because I love you, I actually need your help! I have been given a list of ideas for guest blogs. A lot of it is stuff like "What gave you the idea for this book?" or "How do you balance writing with your personal life?" etc.

I have been told that I can come up with my own questions/topics and then answer them. So what I want from you is some fun ideas for me to Blog about!

Really, the sky is the limit here, I have no idea if someone will want to use my guest post. Post your topic or question down below and then make sure to click the heart on any other ideas you really like. I will try to pick the ones with the most likes and any others that I find interesting/amusing. It's possible I may be guest blogging on several dozen websites, I will know more as we approach.

Anyway, that's it from me. I will have some news for you in the days ahead, so stay tuned!



There are many action scenes in your writing. Do you find it more challenging to write those or the sexual scenes?


What motivates you to write and/how do you stay focused on one story universe?


There are many, unusual, characters in your books, how do you balance their uniqueness to simple archetypes that would allow your readers to relate to them quickly?


Or should that focus on how to maintain so many unusual characters?


What made you start the books in general? Why choose a house as the setting? Why Mike as the MC? And why have a character with such an emotional trauma concerning his mother? How many hours of research do you put in per book and idea? Is the story planned, or are you making it up as you go? How far do you see the story going? In terms of books? And idea's you want to explore?


So the obviously unique characteristic of your books are the monster sex interactions, where do you get your ideas for those?


Sounds very interesting and I honestly hope this will give even more exposure to potential readers! I will give it a try: Topic/Questions: The importance of an editor and what to look out for to find a good one. The positive and negative sides of self-publishing. Maybe fun experiences of dealing more directly with your reader base. Ebook vs. a printed one. The good and bad experiences in dealing with the ebook market and what medium do you prefer. Will you stay with erotic writing or any ambitions to branch out into different genres? If so, what would be your dream? Do you implement your own traits/views/strengths/weaknesses into your characters? If so, give an example.


How much time do you spend researching the traits these, mostly mythical, creatures are said to posses and how much do you add on your own?


How do you like writing extended serials, like HFHM, vs shorter stories? Do you ever feel tied down by the former?


How do you go about choosing what aspects of the mythologies you will include for each creature?


My favorite of Jake's many questions: "Is the story planned, or are you making it up as you go? And I would be fascinated to know in some detail the answer to that!

Anonymous (edited)

Comment edits

2023-01-08 08:59:16 What process do you use for writing? (e.g.: synopsis ----> outline----> story vs Organic plot development as you write vs Ruminate on story until mostly fleshed out, write, then go back and fix inconsistencies with editor ) How has it been modified over time, and why?
2020-07-02 14:45:52 What process do you use for writing? (e.g.: synopsis ----> outline----> story vs Organic plot development as you write vs Ruminate on story until mostly fleshed out, write, then go back and fix inconsistencies with editor ) How has it been modified over time, and why?

What process do you use for writing? (e.g.: synopsis ----> outline----> story vs Organic plot development as you write vs Ruminate on story until mostly fleshed out, write, then go back and fix inconsistencies with editor ) How has it been modified over time, and why?


"Why I (do or don't) write paranormal romance."