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Hi all!

Note: edits added to clarify a couple of plot ideas for decision making reasons.

So I've had a couple of stories stuck in my brain for months now, and after a talk with my publisher about the success of Quarantine in bringing people to this page, the decision was made that it may be a fun idea to try and write a serialized story (think a few chapters at a time, read the whole thing for the whole story) and publish it on Kindle Unlimited as a way to earn more readers and maybe even Patrons. My publisher has been tracking new authors using this approach who are bringing in tons of new readers with this method, and I am still aiming for that ever-elusive $2000 per post goal.

This decision is in the early stages and has absolutely no bearing on HFHM or the content I produce on these pages. The only reason I am even bringing it up is that I haven't done a proper poll in a while, and I want you all to choose what the story will be! That's right, the fate of my entire future (j/k, but only a little) is in your hands.

Here is a synopsis of both for you to consider, they're still very early draft, so excuse their cringiness. Both stories will have erotic elements, so don't worry that I'm going mainstream on you  ☺️

1. Sci-fi story [No working title yet]

This one is about a cybernetic human male and his female alien companion who acts as his engineer (I'm thinking lizard-type hybrid). The two of them are lifelong friends working on a modified scout frigate, and they scavenge for rare materials on dead planets and asteroids for money.

While scavenging a dead world, they discover an incredibly rare AI system that will change their lives, if they can find the right seller. However, the discovery of this long-lost program kicks off a chain of events where they find themselves fleeing for their lives with the help of a pair of stowaways (one is a shape shifting prostitute bot, the other is an alien race I invented). This story will have some heavy science fiction world building elements, and will feature ship battles, pew-pew lasers, virtual reality, and more than a couple sexy hookups between shipmates.

Edit: My story has a ton of AI in it, but primarily as a means to properly utilize FTL warp drives. Without them, the math is too complex, and a ship with proper AI integration is extremely valuable. So AI is kind of like a top of the line iPhone, they're common, just expensive, and they are mostly on lockdown because of space laws.  

For my proposed plot, the AI they find was part of a top secret military project. It's meant to be a true AI, something that blurs the line between what's living and what's not. They don't know this when they find it, they just think "yay, food money!"  However, when they take it, they accidentally activate an ancient military AI. It sees this act as a theft and pursues them, but since it doesn't have a body, it is hacking into systems and declaring bounties and such on them, and slowly escalates its behavior as it continues to fail, because it's only job is to protect military assets (even though its military is technically gone).  

So while I have already fallen into the bad AI trap, I hope that making it a behind the scenes manipulator vs the primary aggressor will bring something new to the table....maybe

2. Game-lit inspired lesbian fantasy romance [Working Title: Earth and Skye]

The only survivor of an airship crash involving a mysterious new kind of dragon, the young adventurer Skye finds herself stranded on the monster-infested Earth. As an under-leveled Support Class adventurer, her only hope lies in the enigmatic (sexy lamia girl), a martial artist with a heart of gold and fists of steel.

They must work together to cross the Forbidden Forest and return Skye to her kingdom so that she can warn them. This story will have plenty of fighting, magic, and will focus heavily on romantic elements between Skye and the lamia as their forbidden human/monster relationship evolves.

Edit: My big idea for that is that the hero is struggling with her own identity. She was born in a world of might and magic, but was born with a very small mana pool and genetics didn't bless her with strength, so she went for Support Class in the hopes of becoming something better than a nobody. A lot of self identity issues result from this.  

When she meets the lamia, she sees that a woman can be strong and feminine, and is drawn to that at first, and now struggles with the fact that she is sexually attracted to a monster.  The lamia becomes sexually attracted to our hero, but struggles with it because same sex stuff amongst the lamia is hugely frowned on.  So I have magic, fighting, and forbidden love. Figure that's a good start.

Okay everybody, that's the news. I'm leaving this poll open for a while because I'm not even going to move forward with this until Book Two, Audiobook and LA are on their way out the door. I'm just curious what sounds more interesting to you, feel free to argue/discuss in the comments or over on Discord (which will confuse the hell out of some people, but that's fine, too!).



(Insert road to eldorado both meme here.) For one at a time though i vote magic, i'm a sucker for good rpglit. I'm a massive gamer, and i feel that having the mechanics visible like that makes for better justification of character powers. Finally, my desire for sci fi romance is currently being satisfied by Tefler and TSM, no offence to you, you are awesome too. <3


When I saw the two thematics I originally thought. He is promoting sci-fi content into a fantasy driving audience so for sure the votes will be for the other one. When however I read both briefings I felt the first story is more appealing than a romantic not secure protagonist. Probably the target audience is completely different than what I am so I cannot say which will have more success. Hope this gives you a different angle! :)

bob lakhanpal

The first option looks pretty similar to Three Square Meals by Tefler.... though I would love more on the genre


Either would be brilliant but im leaning slightly towards Snek Girl. Whatever you produce will be fantastic im sure!


I still have a few of them i'll have to look for them and send you a pic i had the whole series but stupidly turned them in for credit at a used book store


Just the idea of a shapeshifting robot hooker aka. Lily in Space is really interesting. That said, I have a nack for Ratu in HFHM, so option B sounds very good to. Either way, it will surely be fantastic!


Both sound intriguing. If you need any Inspiration for fun, sexy space adventures the author Tefler has written a rather epic tale.


*clears throat* SPACESHIP!!! Sorry, had to get that one out. In all seriousness, though, one of your biggest strengths as a writer is creating and building interspecies relations (both sexual and in a very believable way. So, I say go for sci-fi; if nothing else for the exciting thought that not every species would have their genitals in the same place!


Sexy Space Hooker Llamas? Oh wait. Lamia. Hmm.

Annabelle Hawthorne

No offense taken, there are a lot of Tefler readers here and I consider him to be the top of his category (I know some other sci-fi erotica authors, but nobody with a fanbase as large as his). I think people are excited for the robot hooker more than anything :P

Annabelle Hawthorne

Honestly, the sci-fi story is one I have had for awhile. The only reason I didn't write that was I didn't think I could compete with an established author (Tefler was a big inspiration for setting up this page) and made the decision to switch to monster fantasy instead. But both of the stories are just ones that have been floating around in my head. I learned long ago to never give options and expect people to pick one, because some of the polls have come out completely opposite of what I was planning!

Annabelle Hawthorne

I might call mine Four Round Snacks... I haven't read more than the first chapter of TSM. Not because I didn't think it was good, but because I wanted to avoid trying to copy his style/narrative without establishing my own first. The temptation to copy people who are already successful is very strong, and a unique voice stands out more. Of course, when I called Dana "Sparks" as a nickname, that started more than one conspiracy theory...

Annabelle Hawthorne

I was amazed at how much they cost second hand. Kinda hoping I can get my hand on a digital version that isn't a collectible out of curiosity, but that would mean somebody scanned all of the pages.

bob lakhanpal

Like Thanatos95 said, I am a big big fan of Sci-fi and Harem stories. I agree that Tefler is doing a great job with TSM, fulfilling those cravings right now, but like the popular jingle of a famous Cola ad goes in my country... "yeh dil maange more". (This heart asks for more) So yeah, I would definitely plump for the sci-fi harem option.

bob lakhanpal

Just seeking a clarification here based on the synopsis that you have given above.... So is the military AI tracking the protagonists for the advanced AI that they have picked up on the remote world? Is it also gonna be Military AI vs advanced AI?? I didnt get that part.


An old Maine tradition: We are not a big city hotel, but what we do, we do well. first is to determine what you do well (and like to do) to maintain your passion and quality. Hopefully, this coincides with enough readers and loyal fans to make enough $$$. Three common author types


Okay, I pushed the wrong key Type 1: example is Stephen KIng. an author known for his specific genre'. Has King written love stories, children stories, smurf stories? Probably, but who has read them. However, he is the master of the macabre and every book is a winner. Impossible for someone to duplicate. Type 2: example is Ian Fleming: Bond is great and the so-called spy stories are money makers. This author created a character which was easy to duplicate and continued to go on. Although Tom Clancy is way more talented, he has his genre' and Jack Ryan. Type 3: example is Judy McNaught, Mostly romance stories, but her fans follow her. they will buy anything that she writes.


Hell, I want 'em both LOL. No Pressure