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Hi all!

Okay, so I am a bit disoriented from the super busy week I've been having, so if I tell you old news, I apologize. Here is what's on my mind going into May.

Book 2: I am supposed to get the next round of edits back in a couple of weeks. If I bust ass, I may be able to have them back to the editor fast enough for a late July release. Fingers crossed.

Audiobook: I currently have all 12 chapters back from Amber. These are the revised chapters, which means I will need to listen for a) changes requested and b) technical errors that need fixing (stuff like audio glitches, etc). Technically, if everything sounds good, Amber then puts them together for me and that's it, I will be 95% of the way to audio release!

Last Arachne: Artist finally made it home, so he can resume. I'm still waiting for an update, but everything is late at this point, so I am just rolling with it.

Rewards: A couple of weeks back, I had a patron go through and grab all the artwork from Patreon and categorize it. I then uploaded it to the $50 reward category. I haven't taken anything off the site, this is just for convenience, and I will likely move the folder down to a lower category once it's available. I just didn't want to give automatic access because I still get people who subscribe, take content, then bounce. Might as well make them work for it.

[I'll let the patron who did this for me take credit below, not sure if they want public recognition or not.]

Girl of the Month: June's girl of the month will be picked by me. Not because you all don't have very fine tastes, but I need some artwork done of a specific character to help me finish a small side project, and the art I have available doesn't work. I would usually just pay Kat extra, but I am budgeting just a little because I have a couple big bills coming (rest of audiobook, editing for book 2, etc) and need to make sure I can still pay myself.

Fingers crossed that next month becomes a release month for something!



Don´t stress yourself out :D


Hmmm... side project with artwork. Hmmm....