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Hi all!

I'm almost done with Dead and Horny Ch. 07, just need to finish a scene and hear from some of the beta readers. Will likely be putting out a call next month for some additional beta readers next month, as some of the current ones are either a) being deployed, b) too busy to do it or c) have disappeared entirely. So if you want a chance to read some early material and make comments about how to improve plot, etc. consider signing up!

(Note: Must be able to use G-Docs)

On a separate note, just got a monster email from Amber with pretty much the entire audiobook in it. It's the revisions! I need to sit and listen to each one (again) to make sure the appropriate changes were made and listen for technical errors. I super have my fingers crossed that the audiobook will be up for sale by late June/early July.

Also! I just realized that Redbubble is apparently making masks now. It seems a bit silly, but I went ahead and turned masks on for some of the characters, but this one personally cracked me up:

I'm pretty certain this one is guaranteed to be a conversation starter. Get it here!

(you can also now get Death as a button and take him everywhere)

The artist for Last Arachne is finally home and working on the rest of the art for LA. I'm super sorry that all of my winter projects somehow became summer/fall projects, but that's publishing, apparently.

Until I see you again!



As interesting as being a beta reader sounds, i don´t think i´m material for that..sadly. :D Ah, I was looking on RB for masks several weeks ago. Hm...while I don´t wear it often I might get one...in the worst case it becomes a souvenir of interesting times. Glad to hear the audio book is progressing, don´t get too embarrassed again :P

Garret Jacks

If you’re still in need of beta readers, I’ll happily volunteer!