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Hi all!

Just checking in to let you know what's going on with everything!

I messed up my arm late last week and had to take a break from being on the computer for a few days. It hurt to sit and type for longer than five minutes at a time, so I've been resting up and am back at it writing D&H Ch. 06.

Book Two: I am almost done with developmental edits and then it goes back to the editor for copy edits (grammar, spelling, etc). That process should be faster, and the changes suggested have been fairly positive for story flow, etc.

Last Arachne: My artist informed me that he is no longer at home and spent a couple weeks in hospital quarantine after getting sick (he lives in another country). He is now being cared for at a family members house, which is not where his supplies are for working. I have no word on when the rest of that will be finished and am frustrated at the delay. It was supposed to be done starting next month, so we will all have to wait a bit longer.

Audiobook: I have three chapters left to edit and am waiting for Amber to send them along. Once those are done, I will be reviewing final changes, having them done, and we will be in business! I am hoping for an end of May release.

Once at least two of these things are off my plate, I will begin assembling and reviewing a rough cut of Book Three and scheduling it with the new editor. I have my fingers crossed that all three of the above will be out by June, but I keep getting my ass kicked by things like this. It can be a little discouraging, but I am determined to see this through. If the audiobook looks to be generating legitimate sales, I will price out and consider an audiobook version of Book Two.

That's all from me, I'm off to do edits and then write some more of Ch. 6. This is a fun chapter, I think a lot of you will be excited to see a certain character again.



Yay, D&H new chapter!!! But did I just miss out on HFHM chapter 53 completely?


"to see a certain character again" hmm...well i´m excited..and VERY curious :P