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Hi all!

I just finished sending out the awards for last month. Check your messages to see if you unlocked anything new, and if you think I missed you, just comment below and I will get it fixed! The system is far from perfect (it's literally just me scanning through hundreds of people and clicking boxes) and I usually miss a couple people.

NOTE! If you got the message last month, the links and passwords are still the same. If you need the current password to SE, just let me know in the comments.

Next chapter is about halfway done, working on edits for Radley's Labyrinth and Ch. 8 and 9 of the Audiobook (we are getting close!)



thank you


I might have been let out of the loop, my payment got held up due to (ehehm), let's blame the virus shall we? But I might be all paid up to pass the threshold?