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Hi all!

So I've been cooped up in my house for several days (along with almost everybody else) and got a little drunk one night and wrote a short story. I think you can guess by the cover and title exactly what it's about 🤣

Now, this isn't a Patron funded story (don't worry, you were never charged for it).


This is part of a more long term experiment. I am willing to share this story with Patrons and other loyal readers in exchange for a little help. You see, not only is this story enrolled in Kindle Unlimited (Netflix for Amazon), but it will be on sale this weekend only (Fri-Sat) for the low, low price of ABSOLUTELY FREE.

The point of this exercise is that I want to give everyone a chance to get it and then have you click the stars and/or leave a (nice) review. Help catapult me up the ranks of Amazon prior to Book Two's release (more on that in next Update), and let everybody know that I do my best to write quality erotica for people who deserve it.

[If you are a KU subscriber, I would super love it if you just acquired it that way and read it, cause I'll get paid a few cents 😝]

The link: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B086JYGNNJ

Okay, so why did I do this? Well, to start with, got drunk and did it for fun. But this is ultimately what I hope this page will become if I can reach my big goal. I want to keep writing HFHM (and spinoff stuff) each month, but if I ever get to do it full time, I want to up my word count by writing little short stories like Quarantined and then publish them through Kindle Unlimited and also share them with you.

KU offers a ton of opportunity for erotica authors if they have a solid reader base. People love reading erotica for "free" and then leaving reviews. I have seen authors with badly written stories amass over a hundred reviews in a week, which pushes my works farther out of the public eye, so this is the solution to that problem. Fun little stroke pieces that I can share with everyone, but you gotta actually follow me on Patreon or Twitter to learn about them.

The big drawback to KU is that you are not allowed to publish anywhere else, and is why a lot of stories on Literotica, SO or Wattpad may vanish overnight. Rest assured that I have no intent to do so with HFHM or its friends. Short of something weird happening to one of those websites (like, legal stuff or they become obsolete), those stories will still land there.

(I know this is very wordy, but I don't want any rumors floating around that I'm pulling Horny Monsters from anywhere-I love my readers and want to make sure that people can still read my stories for free)

Okay, that's it, questions for me below if you have them. Otherwise, enjoy your free book (well...when you get it)




Too bad KU isn't available in my region.


I don't know if it's just me, but it seems that at least in my region (amazon.de) it's not available for purchase - even on the free weekend. :( Doesn't even show up on your profile, says it's "not available in your region". Will this eventually find its way to Patreon, please?