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What a year!

Okay, so a couple of basic updates. There won't be a second chapter post for this month. I am simply fried and made the conscious choice to take a little time off at the end of the month rather than flare out spectacularly and be unable to function.

I wish I had gotten my books done by year's end, but there was a bit of a perfect storm. I had some real-life issues pop up, and I found myself facing a dilemma where I needed to choose two of three things: Writing, editing, or family. Obviously, I focused on writing and dropped editing a bit, because my family will always come first. As much as I love writing, I would be dead inside without them. Since the timing got botched on my books, I ended up trying to do too many things at once and fell apart a little bit.

That being said, now that I'm not writing anything, I've been editing this week and actually enjoying the process. I think I've finally hit a stride I can manage long term. Right now, editing includes Last Arachne (which just came back from the editor), Radley's Labyrinth for Horny Monsters, and the audiobook of Radley's Home for Horny Monsters. So I have a monumental task ahead of me at the beginning of 2020, and I plan to get that shit sorted as quick as possible.

As for my thoughts on this year, it was smoother than last. I've had weeks where I've written for a couple of hours a day in bed, forfeiting sleep to the writing gods because my days are simply too full. I've given up most of my free time to pursue a dream and looking back, I think it was worth it. I am proud of how far I have climbed, how my writing has improved and am honored to have so many of you as patrons and readers. Since this whole thing started in 2017, I have written over half a million words of erotica. That... is something I never would have thought was in the cards for me, and I keep hoping to go farther than ever as the days go by. 

My big goal for 2020 is to make my Patreon page better than ever. Once my books get finished and released, there will be more rewards for my patrons than ever before. Once book two is published, I will start the process for Book Three. Writing is a never-ending cycle this way, but I will be way better about not trying to edit two books at once. Live and learn, right?

I am planning D&H Ch. 03 and HFHM Ch. 50 for January, and hoping to climb higher than ever this year! I'll see you next year!

OH! And one more thing! If you've never bought a copy of the ebook on Amazon, I marked it down to 3.99 temporarily. If you buy it, don't forget to rate or leave a review, I'm almost to 69 of them (nice)! https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07JWC7KGZ



Happy heccin new year, you horny bastards!


Horny Monster girls make horny readers Monstrously Happy readers! So Happy New years !!