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She waits for you in the middle of her Labyrinth, eager to hear about your day, and to maybe snuggle up and soak up some body heat...

A huge thank you to our new Master Caretaker Robert Hawk!

Robert holds a special place in my heart because I secretly think of him as my muse's guardian angel. On a few occasions, especially while writing Books 2 and 3, he would randomly send me his thoughts on the stories progress, and 9 times out of 10, he would bring up the issue I was directly struggling with. One time he spooked me because he sent me a message about how he felt the story needed a certain plot device to put it back on track (a character needed further development), and I was in the middle of writing what he thought I should do. No joke, on so many of these occasions where I got stuck (and told nobody), I would see a message from him that helped dislodge everything I needed to keep the story flowing.

The very first autographed copy of the new Book One is officially on its way to him for making it to the Master Caretaker tier, along with a handwritten letter from me. May your house always be in good order, and your Labyrinth full of dangerous traps.




Nice... welcome Robert


Robert the Wise,.. welcome and congrats


Well done Robert!


Thank you for the kind words and the beautiful art work. I am happy I was able to help.


As praise is often given to Annabelle and rightly so. This time my praise is directed to you in thanks for your help in making this one of my favourite stories.


Arigato Shujin Robert


FYI, looks like NudeRatu and PartialRobeRatu are swapped relative to their names.