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Okay, so first thing's first:

Read the Iceman's Wrath, especially the final chapter.

You have a week to decide how the story should end. In one ending, Jason and Brianne end up together, sort of in a kindred spirit kind of way.

In the other ending, they do not, and he never settles down.

So... get to voting!



Huh usually there is more of a split


Just because us readers want it doesn't mean it's the best and deepest story telling achievement. Authors have crushed me sometimes denying what I want, and i've often loved them for it. When I was nearing the end of Iceman as a reader, I of course yearned for them to stay together, but I liked the tempting hook of potential further meet ups left open. Was a decent way to leave things I thought. If you do want to conclusively end it, then maybe do both. They remain part time fuck-buddies who eventually after a long time just realize they're always together and never stray from each other. After years they put a ring on it, happily ever after.


She’s young... I would hope they stay together in an open relationship allowing each of them to continue to explore and play with others, but knowing they always have each other as the anchor partner for that stability and comfort.


It would be a May / September romance, but they are a good fit. But only if she is willing to forgo children of her own. Jason has passed the prime age to raise young kids and has been 'fixed', so adoption, insemination, or no babies,..( plus the lay off the other young hotties discussion) are the main conversation topics after the 'lets make this official' talk. If we could get an incredible Annabelle twist, I be for it! Yes !!


Oh, and just to let you know, I have survived a not so nice type of a divorce, and I would dearly love to see Annabelle give them a ' Happily Ever After' ,...


I'm glad to see the voting trending with him in a relationship with Brianne. When I read the version that was sent out to for edit, the original ending just didn't do it and I'm glad that there's a chance it will be different.


Being September/Octoberish myself the age difference is too big


Yes, that age difference IS huge! And the children issue, and the 'what will people say' issue all are emotional stumbling blocks for this relationship. So, is this a happily ever after, or an approaching train wreck? Only our Annabelle knows,.. do we dare to have her tell the tale?


It looks like almost all of Annabelle's fans are voting for a happy ever after ending,.. who knew? Just do not have Mike try to slip a glass slipper onto one of Tinks dainty feet, okay?