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Okay, so this poll is only active until Thursday night. I will be able to finish only one of these chapters by the end of the month, so which one would you like to see for Halloween?

Both chapters have a planned sex scene in them. I just can't choose, and won't be able to get any writing done tomorrow, so figured I would let the popular vote win :)

Oh, and keep your eyes out. I hear there's a cool surprise coming by week's end...


Gemini Knight

This is the hardest choice I've had to make this year. I really just want to yes but unfortunately I can't. Oh well guess I'll just close my eyes and decide that way.


This is a can't lose poll choice, as the 'loser' will follow early in November, ( a tough choice, for a small timing difference ) so close your eyes and hold your nose, then vote! Just a thought.


I haven't read DAH yet, so I guess i should before I vote...to be fair. :)


You opened the box only to give us more mysteries that I can't wait to see explored but I'm also dying (pun intended) to see more of Dana and Lily's adventure!! This is a tough one but Michael56Smith is right about there not being a 'loser'.


Ok. Now that I’ve read DAH...I’m voting HFHM. I liked DAH, but it’s just getting off the ground and I’m too hungry for more HFHM to be swayed.


That's it, vote your heart, there is no real loser in this contest. One winner is just a week or two later.


I’m kinda struggling with Dana. I was going to say she’s a bit boring, but that’s not quite right. I think maybe I’m having trouble processing a lesbian character. Kinda makes her a bystander. That and she doesn’t feel anything very strongly. You might say that this is all setup for things to come that will make it more exciting when they happen, but right now I’m wondering what that could be. She’s hinting that she feels some attraction to Mike, but I’m not sure how fun or satisfying it will be if/when she finally goes to the source. She’s full on lesbian and between never having been attracted to men at all and being so consumed with her love for Alex, which was amplified by Darryl’s spell, how could she even get to a point where she’s actually physically attracted to Mike? Will she hate herself if she sucks a snack out of Mike? A lot of the fun of this story is the anticipation of seeing how Mike will end up fooling around with each new female character and then how his relationship with her develops. With Dana it’s like there’s a big wet blanket on that whole thing. And then there’s Lily. I love that character. She’s one of the most interesting in the story, but Dana’s not interested in her either...again she’s numb to most things physical and emotional except for her fixation on Alex. She gets horny after she drinks Mike’s magic man-goo (MMMG), but it feels kinda mechanical, functional like when she was with Naia, and then as soon as it’s over it’s like, thanks, back to numb. So how much fun can/will it be when she finally gets it on with Lilyr? Now with all of that said, again, this could all be setup and we wait to see the magic of how a great author like AH turns everything I just said around in ways we didn’t see coming, or maybe we see it coming but it’s still thrilling because of the sheer talent in how it’s told. But as of now, after 40-some chapters of HFHM and one chapter of DAH, we’re still waiting for the reveal with Dana. Maybe it’s just hard to make a zombie interesting. A zombie that doesn’t eat people, because the goal is all about being alive again with no regrets. That makes Lily interesting, but not Dana. And every character contributes to the HFHM with their unique talents, but what’s Dana’s? She’s a mechanical genius who’s super focused and doesn’t need to sleep. So she hides in the garage and builds...drones. Yawn. Now she’s half of a spin-off story? I have to believe AH has big plans for Dana and that’s why she wanted to do this spinoff, or maybe it’s really just about telling Lily’s story, which I’m definitely interested in.


And I keep thinking about Yuki smelling the stink of Dana’s dead flesh. Even if everyone else but Yuki can’t smell it, we still know it’s there.

Trimtab (edited)

Comment edits

2023-02-02 14:47:23 I enjoyed DAH a lot, but i'm just sooo invested in HFHM... DAH is ice cream, love it! But HFHM is mainlined heroin, grade A horse, thoroughbred ganja, straight up the nose, in the vein and packed into a fat splif to be smoked for good measure. <-- This junky did not need long to pick. :-)
2019-10-16 20:40:18 I enjoyed DAH a lot, but i'm just sooo invested in HFHM... DAH is ice cream, love it! But HFHM is mainlined heroin, grade A horse, thoroughbred ganja, straight up the nose, in the vein and packed into a fat splif to be smoked for good measure. <-- This junky did not need long to pick. :-)

I enjoyed DAH a lot, but i'm just sooo invested in HFHM... DAH is ice cream, love it! But HFHM is mainlined heroin, grade A horse, thoroughbred ganja, straight up the nose, in the vein and packed into a fat splif to be smoked for good measure. <-- This junky did not need long to pick. :-)