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Wow, I am just bursting with anxious energy! Some official news.

HFHM Chapter 45: Should be with beta readers by this weekend.

Iceman Ch. 5: Should have been done a couple weeks ago, but a personal issue threw off my writing time. This one is coming pretty soon though (yeah, yeah, I've been saying that for months now, but I really mean it this time, I've already written the ending). Once I have finished it, I will begin compiling chapters and then start the process of making it into an official E-book. Naturally, it will head on over to Lit before this happens.

HFHM Book Two: I am still waiting to hear back from the editor. I have begun the cover art process and will share that with you once I have more to share.

The Last Arachne: The Last Arachne is officially with the (new) editor! Oh, and preliminary sketches for the Light Novel have begun. I am really excited to see how everything turns out with LA, and will be sharing some of those images as they come in to me.

New Art: I have buried Kat and fear she might be dead. J/K, she is still working hard, but we reached a snag on the latest image and have been going back and forth trying to get it right for about a week now.

Book One Re-release:

I will be re-releasing Book One sometime next month. Hopefully, Book Two will be right behind it. Check out my new cover!

I am really hoping this new cover encourages people to click BUY and give this story a chance.

Last but not least, a reminder that none of this would be possible without the generosity of my patrons. Even my dollar a month people have helped greatly contribute to my growing body of work, and I have done my damndest to make the best decisions I can to ensure that the story lives on beyond this page. I look forward to putting together the Book Two Special Edition for you, as well as whatever future goodies I come up with, because you certainly deserve it :)



I like the cover! It leaves a little mystery. LA was an unusual story for me. It took me a while to warm up to it. When I saw that two wounded souls were coming together to work on a relationship it grabbed me. I think about it a lot.


Wow... just wow Annabelle. You work do hard and have a fantastic outcome. Keep on going and doing it so well.


Just noticed goggles...oh, wonderful. That’s great!
