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Hi all!

So here we are, two years since this journey began. I have four books under my belt now, a ton of writing experience to grow from, and a a very nice community of readers who have helped me get there :P

Next month, I will be focusing some time and energy on the Last Arachne Light Novel artwork, as well as having Kat continue progress on the artwork for Book 2, like the following pic from Chapter 4:

I will also be starting the Lily/Dana adventure in September (hopefully), and that one promises to flesh out Lily's backstory as well as have a little mystery and adventure as they travel across the U.S. trying to find a few magical items that Ratu thinks will help her find a cure.

I have a tremendous amount of gratitude for not only my patrons, but all my readers who continue to support my writing. So thank you for your kind words, your patronage, and your company as I've walked on this (albeit strange) journey. I am hoping to flesh out more long term patron rewards for you by the end of this year (Special Edition Book 2, Special Edition Last Arachne, etc) as a way of saying thanks.

That's it from me, I hope everyone has an awesome weekend, take care of yourselves!



When I went back to re -read chapter 16 (book #2, chap 4), to jog my memory of Mike meeting the delicious Zel, and to find it was the same chapter that Beth and Lily drove out to the somewhat remote storage site to recover some of Mike's inheritance, and find it short a few missing boxes; boxes that have just returned at end of chap #44, wow! Way to keep tying up the story! How does Annabelle keep all those plates spinning? Ta