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Hi all!

I am interrupting your regularly scheduled program to share with you that we have a new master caretaker in the Hall of Caretakers, Alan!

As a way of saying thanks, I had a piece of art commissioned specifically for Alan (that is now on my website) and also mailed him an autographed copy of Radley's Home for Horny Monsters. As requested, Cecilia gazing back at your from the other side!

For those of you wondering, this is an unnamed perk for anybody who reaches Master Caretaker status, and some of you are very close to joining him, so watch your inbox in case you do!

The community I have built on this page is amazing, and I want to take the time to say thank you to everybody once more for your patronage and support. While I haven't quite reached the magic threshold to make this work full time yet, I am in full pursuit of making an old dream a reality, and I couldn't do it without each and every one of you. I will continue to work hard to bring you amazing content from the monster-verse, and look forward to seeing you all here when Book 2 comes out!

Have a great week, everybody, and check out the nude Cecilia I had Kat draw as a bonus! (Download below)

Edit: I accidentally used the wrong name when thanking Alan, but am still waiting to hear back from Roy!!! Sorry Alan!! *hangs head in shame*




Congratulations are certainly in order for Alan; hope to join those ranks one of these days. Of course, there is the added bonus of Kat drawing another wonderful rendition of my favorite girl.


Thanks Alan, for helping to let us all to enjoy Annabelle's work!

thomas rodrian

Thanks to all, but I miss her. Please bring her back asap


Congrats to you Alan! Our masterful muse of mighty, and many times mysterious, and most are quite massively mammed, home-based (mansion) monsters, she must be mammothly pleased! I miss that swinging Banshee! Go bring her back Mike!


And when Cecelia does return, Annabelle will need almost a chapter just to convince the Banshee that she's in the right reality. There have been so many changes since she was last on her porch swing ( how much of it is the original swing?). A friendship with the three tailed Kitsune, and what about all the centaurs, the expanded yard, garden, and the stone sundial maze?Not even mentioning the smoldering crater that remains of the Societies former meeting place. Also, Tink and Daisy should help with the explanations as they are so good at that sort of thing, Cecelia would appreciate their input. Their depiction of the "Battle of the Front Yard" would be a true joy! Like the old Batman television show: Pow!, Blam! Ka-pow! Bad Witches go Boom! ;-)


,..Daisy, of course, remembers the Porch Banshee and gives her a kiss on the cheek upon her return, prompting Cecelia to ask 'who are you?' of the little, yellow glowing, fairy, a once close friend! We will need some explanation of the House's powers and her eventual agenda too!


Contradictions R Cecelia! : Our Banshee babe is both quietly sitting on her porch swing and screaming loudenough to rattle the rafters! She is icy cold and is warmly loyal. She is far, far, away but needs to come back home! And as this art clearly shows, she is lovely! BRING OUR BANSHEE BACK! And so Mike will go Deal with the Fairie Queen, who is restraining our sweet Cecelia!