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Hi all!

Just thought I would share some of what Kat has been working on. These images will appear in the Special Edition of Book 2 (which is exclusive to Patrons who hit a certain donation amount). She is hard at work on these and I am hard at work on, well, lots of things. There will be one piece of art per chapter (like last time) and I just realized that I need to start shopping around for cover art!

I hope these will help tide you over. Summer is REALLY hot right now and I've been trying to keep cool. Take care of yourselves and make sure you drink plenty of water!




I personally just think a greenish hue would help it flow better. Like the natural hair is being recycled as you said and now there's other colors coming though underneath and throughout.

Annabelle Hawthorne

Let's revisit this idea when we get closer. Kat is currently drowning in a bunch of what I have thrown at her, and I don't want to be like "Hey Girl!"


I’ve never been a fan of the 3D models (and I’m not dissing the ones you’ve had done, your artist did a really good job with them!) these are amazing, I love the art style. I agree about the green in the hair but since Kat is swamped perhaps this picture can be the start of it and the green can show up next time she works with the character. It would make sense for it to be a progress. Either way though, the artwork is great!