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Hi all!

I'm here for just a few seconds to let you know what's going on.

I'm keeping an eye on the Summer Monster Bash and will have a poll pretty soon for it. Make sure you read through the list and click on monsters you want to be on the poll, and do so on the first mention of the monster (by date). You have until tomorrow night to get on there and beg for votes. On Monday morning, I will check the tallies and have a poll for you either Monday or Tuesday night.

You should see an LA post pretty soon. I am editing it right now, so it will pop in the next couple of days, and then HFHM Ch. 43 at the end of the month (new adventure, woohoo!!). I know that is out of order, but it was half done at the start of the month, and I don't want to have both of my posts (only two posts this month) crammed onto the 31st. LA will have (maximum) two more chapters. It's been a lot of fun to write, but I am ready to be done with it. I have a succubus/zombie adventure to start, and I can't do it until LA is done. 

I am currently editing Book 2. I don't like editing. It's coarse and rough and irritating, and it gets everywhere. It should be sent off to the editor in the next week or so (I hope).

Kat has started Book 2 Special Edition artwork. I am  going to share a couple of those with you in the next couple of days. The Special Edition of Book Two will be available to Patrons who have hit the impossible to reach lifetime pledge of $20 dollars.

Okay, that's it. Back to the grindstone. Sorry that I've been a ghost, but I am in crackdown mode right now cause I want to have 3 books (HFHM 2, LA and Iceman) published by the end of the year, and it doesn't happen by talking about it. Hope everyone is having a phenomenal weekend, and I look forward to seeing your votes on the new monster poll.

FYI, I have loved reading your ideas for monsters, and have been given more than a couple ideas for future adventures/situations/everything! Keep being your awesome selves! 



I think Annabelle is wearing out that Grindstone of hers, atta girl! A request for Daisy to have some good mentions in the new books chapters. After all her 'lost' years with an angry Kitsume she deserves a few warm back-home moments. Although I really do want her to be used and abused by Tink to lube Mike up, and although he is nicely distracted, Mike manages to notice that Tinker is having a two sided conversation with the mute fairy,.. surprise! Tink learned ASL in the 'forgotten times' that Emily accidently erased. They can discuss this after Tink gets some afternoon delight. A Question: does Tink do Mike's laundry or does he do hers? That's enough for now TTFN


Tinker will let "goblin-husband" Mike fool around with all these other Lovely monster ladies, but heaven help him if he neglects the fabric softener! Ta


Annabelle, you are such a sweetheart to really keep your devoted fans so well up-dated as to what and when to expect your newest chapters, art, and contests. Your grindstone must be worn down to the nub, huh girl?