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We're going to play a little game. If there's a monster you want to see in HFHM Book 4, I want you to comment on this post what that monster is. However, if you see the monster you want already, I need you to click the Heart shaped button to show me that you want that one.

Only one monster per comment (but you can comment more than once). On July 14th, I will take the top five monsters with the most likes and put them into a poll for $3 and up Patrons.

Winning monster is guaranteed a spot in Book Four. I will work with Design Patrons to flesh it out and find a way to integrate it in the story to give it an actual role. The only exclusion to this is monsters that the story already has (so no nymphs, goblins, etc).

That's it from me. Happy Dreaming.

Edit: RIP my inbox, some great ideas here. Make sure that if you see the same monster twice, vote for the earlier one only (I will only count the likes on the first instance of Vampire to avoid double voting).



Hadley House could really use a good house-keeper, i.e. a magical, sexy, and super fast French Maid!


Has anyone suggested help for Sophia's library? Maybe an Archnae looking for a place to fit in and be safe.


Or possibly Ana's daughters, many helpers in a big Library. They are already there, waiting to be rediscovered. Then Sofia remembers that she has an extensive staff of lovely web-spinners. let's look for them okay?