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Here is the latest from Kat!

We decided to have a little fun with this one and draw her in the Seventies using a Marilyn Monroe style. The NSFW version is being done as we speak, but I'm including a naked version in the downloads of this one for you :)




amazing i wonder what she looks like in her older years?

Annabelle Hawthorne

Different style, but mostly the same. Naia's blessing keeps Caretakers from aging (externally). Not a bad gig if you can get it :P


Rockin the golden nips, not too sure how I feel about that but after her description in The Last Arachne it seems to fit.

Annabelle Hawthorne

The golden nips are canon after... chapter 38 maybe? I can't remember, lol. Having a piece of a nymph's soul does strange things to your body after a few decades.


I'm ashamed to admit that I have been so busy with my own stuff that I have fallen behind on both HFHM and The Last Arachne.😢 I still haven't finished Yuki's story arc yet. 😭


👀 definitely a looker 🤤


We need to find out what Emily was thinking, that caused her unusual actions her last years. But she had more than 5 decades as caretaker and a few more of her adventures, and some more of her long lost acquaintances like bigfoot, would be appreciated and fun. More of the old girl please!