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Hi all!

So I've been toying with the idea of looking into what it would take to have someone help me  do an audio release of chapters. Obviously I'm not quite there yet (financially), but if I did, what gender of voice would you prefer? I'm leaving the poll open for long enough to get a good consensus. 

Special Note: This isn't something I would do myself. I don't have the time or equipment and my voice is actually rather distinctive to anybody who knows me.



Normally I would say female, but to be honest I dont know how a male perspective is going to sound with a female voice.

Annabelle Hawthorne

Right?!? I mean, some VA's are pretty talented, but I'm also not sure about some Morgan Freeman dude reading Tink's lines out loud either. (Though if we can get Morgan Freeman, it's happening. Or maybe David Attenborough. Tom Hanks? :P )


David Attenborough on: the lives of monster girls in their natural habitat

Gemini Knight

I thinking Mike's reaction to Emily and Big Foot, that would be especially epic in David Attenborough's or Morgan Freeman's voices😂🤣😁


When I read the story it is as if you (Annabelle) are telling it to me, so a female voice would seem more natural to me. To me It is a story about Mike Radely and his home of Horny monsters not a first person recitation of events.


Elliot Kay uses Tess Irondale to narrate his stories and she pulls off male characters rather well.


I am just imaging him reading Tink's comments about Asterion "Stupid cow fuck"


I listened to 50 shades narrated by a female and it was slightly annoying to hear her do Christian's voice. Could go the other way for a Male doing female too I suppose. Maybe consider Male narration with a female for female characters?


Need a both option! LOL


Agree. I think both may be best.

Annabelle Hawthorne

Is both even an option? I don't listen to audiobooks so was under the impression that they only have one narrator.


I’m not sure how it works for audiobooks but some of the games I follow on patreon have different voice actors for different characters (not all) and it’s really neat. Obviously might not be possible for an audiobook but worth looking into


Totally agree, I've always thought it from Annebelle's perspective as the storyteller ...


A sexy female voice in the lower register of average ladies vocal range. or an envious sounding male narrator would be best, in my opinion. TTFN


I think you should use the windows Text-to-Speech to do it.

Raymond Jeffries

Female all the way! When you have a cast that is predominantly female anyways, it just makes no sense for there to be a male voice actor. I know a lot of people prefer the voice actor to be the same gender as the main character, but there's something painful listening to most male voice actors attempting to come up with so many female voices in a book like this. Also, while I don't know how much it would cost to get them, I think either Andrea Parsneau or Tess Irondale would be great choices for this story. They both are excellent at multiple voices and they both seem to have a strong following (especially Tess) that would most likely lead to extra sales of the audiobook. There's my two cents, love your work Annabelle!


Yes, it is done a good bit. Some audiobooks even have full casts. I have heard of them having up to 10 different people doing it.