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Hi all!

Got an email from my publisher reminding me to tell you to vote for me in the Clitorides Awards! Go here, it's free to do! https://clitoridesawards.org/

I don't think I win anything other than being able to officially call myself an Award Winning Author, plus it will get HFHM free publicity, so please consider voting. If only half of my Patrons do, I am fairly certain I will dominate my categories!

You can find me in the following categories:

Best Erotic Story by a New Author

Best Erotic Fantasy

and last, Best New Author!

That's it from me, on with our regularly scheduled program!



Already voted!

R. Kener

I did my citiz... Ooops, I mean, I voted.


I love to read erotic literature, I like it. Therefore, I will gladly give my vote for you! Just do not forget about us, please, when you win the competition from your publisher!