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Hey all!

Jenny has discovered that the mortal world holds a few fun surprises and I'm guessing Beth will be pissed when she finds out that she needs to clean up her collection (God knows Jenny won't do it).

Update: I've been slightly absent recently. Remember when I was all "It's cold, I'm stuck at home?" Well, the next day, we took a family outing to a local museum cause we had cabin fever. Everybody and their brother was there, it was fun, blah blah blah.

A day or so after, I ended up with a nasty cold. Just as it got better, the whole family caught it. Currently we are playing hot potato with the sniffles, and this is my first day truly online since then. 

I'm hoping to send out Special Edition codes in the next two days and maybe have a new art poll up. I am still busy writing, but blowing my nose and staring off into space because of Dayquil has wreaked havoc on my word count and concentration. Just didn't want people to worry :P




Hope you all get well soon...


Aha, so Beth's BD collection revealed!


So, I recognize the Stan, Fenrir, and Kelvin, but the tentacle doesn't look like any BD I've seen. Also having a hard time placing the one she's currently using.