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Hey all!

February is a blisteringly short month and I was *this* close to being able to finish this chapter up in time. However, I ran into some major storyline snags.

This piece has been a bit difficult due to the nature of the characters in it, plus constant research to avoid making stuff up involving the seventies, the Vietnam War, etc. Some of you gave me excellent resources, and I even spent part of an afternoon looking up Vietcong booby traps on my phone just so that I wasn't making crap up based off of Hollywood.

I didn't want to leave people hanging, so I am putting out this teaser. The chapter is nearly done (after some plot rewrites), but this chunk is largely unedited. The few of you who are familiar with my writing style know that I tend to jump around when writing scenes, so I present you with the biggest finished piece that will make sense.

I have attached the teaser as pdf and docx so that people who want to wait for the official release can. I'm sorry that I couldn't put it out this month, but I refuse to type garbage just to make a deadline (and some extra $$$ at the month's end). For those of you who are still new to Patreon, I want to reassure you that you aren't being charged for this teaser. 

Also, since this is a teaser, feel free to comment below on what you would like to see expanded on, correct my Seventies knowledge (Darren will no longer buckle his seat belt, etc), or just say hi.

That's it from me. I'm off to keep writing this piece so that I can start on Ch. 35 of HFHM when I finish.



Is there a place I can find the other LA chapters? I just joined your patreon and would love to read more of your works. Can’t seem to find their posts tho for chaps 1&2

Annabelle Hawthorne

Yes! Here you go: <a href="https://www.patreon.com/sexyannabelle/posts?tag=Last%20Arachne">https://www.patreon.com/sexyannabelle/posts?tag=Last%20Arachne</a>


I liked what you teased, but the Roswell reference may have been about a decade too early for a common knowledge reference. Just say UFO or flying saucer.


Also, on your Patreon home page, look under the posted art rectangle and the first 'Tags' will be the Last Arachne, and keying on that will get you the first two installments plus the Ana art.


The look under 'Tags' ref is for Dracon, plus there is another 'tag' that is a one-of (non series) story of Annabelle's that is pretty okay, good luck new guy (I've been a member about five whole weeks longer than you, so welcome aboard)


Has anyone seen "Cloudy with a chance of Meatballs"? If not, watch it so you grok. I'm reading this and getting images of foodimals runnin around and I can FEEL her pain. XD


To "grok" you should refer to Robert Heinlein's "Stranger in a Strange Land" and his 'man from Mars', Mike Smith. A genuine classic Science fiction story that had it's origins from a 50's cocktail party gripe that all those fantastic space aliens had such unpronounceable names. So along came Bob Heinlein with his 'Mike Smith', a martian much the same way as Matt Damon was in his movie. Also, 'the Master' (Bob) wrote a novel aimed at the juvenile market titled "Starman Jones". Many early 60's college students 'groked', so party on David James, and watch out for those creative nods in 'Meatballs,..' TTFN