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Hey all!

I am here for just a couple quick updates. 

1. I just sent out messages to Patrons who qualified for the Special Edition ebook. I think I got everybody, but there are a bunch of you (and the interface to find you kinda sucks). If you have contributed over 15 dollars to my Patreon (total, not per pledge) and you did not get a message with instructions for the download, please message me so you can get it!

2. I am going to update the website in February, particularly this page 


I have been trying to keep it up to date every month, but it takes me a bit. Next month, I will be sending out a giant bulk message to people who qualify for the Hall of Caretakers. IT IS OPTIONAL! However, those of you who would like to be honored for your pledges will find instructions on how to get on the wall. If you are already on the wall, I will be bumping you up after the month rolls over (if you need to be).

3. Apparently I've been nominated on Storiesonline.com for a clitoride award. If you would like to help me out, consider adding to my nomination pool. Last year's Literotica awards simply vanished overnight (which was disappointing) so I am excited to see my name in another award pool.

That's it! Happy Sunday everybody!


Gregor Copland

I think I qualify and I didn't receive the e-book email.

Gregor Copland

PS. It was me that nominated you at SOL. I hope that your ability is recognised in the awards.