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Hey all!

So here's where we are at with January.

1. The next chapter is well under way. I am struggling a bit with a couple of key plot devices (hence why it isn't out already). The groundwork I am laying for Ch. 31 is critical to future stuff and I want to do a good job of it. I am hoping for release early next week.

2. I have another Arachne piece from Kat being done right now. Once she is done, she will begin work on the mostly human Zel piece as requested. Part of the delay with artwork is that we spend a lot of time going back and forth on character design, which I expect to see with Zel in her partial state.

3. I am slowly adding to the final chapter of Iceman's Wrath. Once it is finished, I will post it here first, but not as a paid post. I promised a year ago that I would give it to my patrons (since the focus of this page is definitely the monster-verse). Once Iceman posts to Lit, I will begin releasing the Last Arachne on there as well.

4. I finally saw Infinity War. It was decent, but I don't think I can form an opinion until I see the sequel and see where it goes. 

5. If you scroll down, you can see where Piers Anthony reviewed Radley's Home for Horny Monsters on his website's newsletter. If you are reading this in the future, it is the January 2019 edition. This was made possible by a reader who reached out to him about my story, which is proof that one person can make a difference.

That's all! I have a Rat King to deal with, a haunted doll to retrieve, and a back story to write. See you all real soon!





Grrrreat! Congratulations on a wonderful and long paragraph in Piers Anthony's Jamboree 2019 newsletter, "one great read,.. recommend to horny, err,.. regular readers" ,.. with tastes similar to his (paraphrased). I'm so proud of you Annabelle!


That is absolutely fabulous! Congratulations! He gave you an awesome review. And well deserved in my opinion!