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Hey all!

Today is the last day of November, so it's time for the update. I have some bad news and some good news.

Bad news: Last Arachne Part 2 is not done yet. I was making great headway last week and then a pox fell upon my house early this week (everyone got sick). While I 'might' be able to churn out the last chunk of it tonight, it wouldn't be proof read at all, and I refuse to release something I don't feel is ready, especially when my Patrons are so generous to support me for it. I will finish and release it as my 3rd paid post of December. 

Other bad news: Our community artist Dakzper has effectively vanished. I don't have much to say other than I haven't heard from him in over a month and he hasn't responded to my "Where are you?" emails. He has always done good work for me but I can't wait over a month for a single commission with no correspondence. I will be searching for a new artist very soon who can help me turn things around. (For those of you who are new, Dakzper does the comic-style artwork that I want to include with chapters)

Good news: That being said, Skinnii commissioned some art for me as a surprise. He gave it to me early when I informed him that Dakzper had gone missing so that I could have artwork to share with my Patrons! The original intent was for my eyes only, but Skinnii asked the artist if I could share it (with proper attribution) and they agreed. I will be uploading that shortly after this post goes live.

Other good news: Shortly before Book One officially launched, a reader on Lit got ahold of a fairly well known fantasy author and told him about my book. Said author said he would like to read it. Said author also said if he liked it, he would review it on his blog, so that level of exposure would be very exciting! I will let you know if anything comes of that.

December is almost here! Have an awesome weekend everybody!


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