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Hey all!

I'm just keeping everybody clued in on my whereabouts. Chapter 27 is releasing on Sunday (I'm putting some finishing touches on it) and Chapter 28 will come shortly after. As I stated before, I wrote Chapter 28 first (thinking it would be a good 27) and ended breaking the "Show don't tell" rule of writing, hence why you will get two chapters so close together.

Book sales have lagged a bit, but that's okay. I managed to make enough to fund publishing Book Two (editing, artwork, etc) and feel like Book One got a great start. My tentative plan is to title book two "Radley's Labyrinth for Horny Monsters," but I am going to avoid editing for a good bit and move forward with LA and Book Three first. 

I'm putting the finishing touches on Book Three's first sex scene, and then I am off to continue writing Chapter 28.

Have a fantastic weekend everybody!


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