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Hey all!

I have three very important announcements for the end of this month.

1. If you are eligible to vote in the mimic poll, don't forget to do that. Like, right now. The results are very close.

2. After MUCH discussion with several patrons, both new and old, the decision has been made that there will be a minimum pledge value to get the Special Edition ebook. I actually listened very closely and got SEVERAL messages saying that they believed the 15 dollar level was fair. Therefore, Patrons who have more than 15 dollars in confirmed pledges will get a copy of the Special Edition upon release. New patrons will have to hit the 15 dollar level before they get their free copy.

This isn't a decision I made lightly, and I definitely wavered on it many times. However I had at least a few patrons who only give a dollar or so per month (for financial reasons) who flat out told me "Do it, you're worth it, I'll get there eventually!"

So, it's official. Patrons who reach 15 dollars in confirmed pledges will get the Special Edition of Book One in ebook form. That dollar amount will carry forward, and I will likely do something similar in regards to future books.

3. This is in regards to announcement 2. I will be putting up the next chapter either tomorrow night or Sunday morning. If you are on the edge of the 15 dollar mark, this is your last chance to alter your pledges to hit the 15 dollar mark after this month (I've had a few patrons do this already). I'm only bringing this up for people who want to get it next month unstead of waiting until November ;P

This has been a stressful month (with all the book stuff + writing + real life). I am currently going back and forth with the cover artist right now. Two characters will appear on the cover and one of them is definitely Naia (per the poll). The other will have to wait, but I'll let you argue about who it could be in the comments.

Oh, and one more thing. I will be having an important poll for $3+ tier members after the next chapter (final chapter of Book Two) posts. You won't want to miss it!



I saw some people suggest that the following Special Editions should have a slightly increased min pledge to get. I thought that was a very good idea and as you mentioned some of your $1 pledgers said, you're worth it!