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Hi all!

Here is the second image he sent me. When Skinnii isn't busy making art for me, he is constantly trying new things with digital art. 

Several of my readers have confessed a love for horny little fairies, and I will admit that I read my fair share of fairy hentai back in the day (the site long ago died, so don't ask me where, cause I forgot :P). Bondage Fairies was one of my favorites, but I read a few others that I thought were pretty neat. I think my love of fairies came from watching Fern Gully and thinking "Those two should totally bang." When I got older, the scene from Hook where Tink becomes human sized was a missed opportunity for Peter to bend her over a branch and go to town (and I still tear up when Rufio dies, btw).

I would love for you to share your favorite sexy fairy tale below. Feel free to leave a link to stories on Lit if you have a good fairy story there.

Happy Sunday!




Ohhhhh....Annabelle!!!!! You did it again!!!


One of the first erotica stories that I read had tinkerbell using her little body to masturbate Peter. Also thought the same about FernGully.


Yes, fairies have always been a favorite of mine.


No download link on this one annabelle