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Hey all!

Just checking in with you to give you the official update for what is going down this month.

We should have at least the last two chapters of HFHM Book Two by the end of the month. Once I bring those to a close, I will hit the Last Arachne hard and fast to see what I can come up with by month's end.

Also by the end of the month will be an official release data for Radley's Home for Horny Monsters. I have discovered that A) editing takes a really long time and B) it isn't nearly as much fun as writing it the first time. For those of you who are worried about editing stuff, most of what the editor did was to correct my tense usage, point out inconsistencies in the scenes, and make me feel dumb about my technical writing ability. The last one is actually very good, because it means that I can work on my skills, and I know my editor isn't kissing my ass. I've also been able to make a few slight changes to match up with some things that happen in Book Two.

I have a couple of pieces left to get from Dakzper and the illustrations for Book One are complete. The cover artist is on vacation, so I hope to hear from him soon.

For now, the book is guaranteed to appear as an ebook. I am working on a paperback version, but I can't make progress on that front until I have a digital version to get proofs made of. I will let everyone know if/when I have any news on that front.

Once I get editing done, I intend to turn my spare attention to getting the website ready. This will include the wall of patrons. I will have a link available on the site. I very much respect everyone's privacy, so the only way to get onto that wall is to A) meet the monetary minimum and B) fill out that form letting me know to put you up there. I won't have any automated way to do this, so I will probably roll it out in stages.

I don't know when I will start the ball rolling on publishing Book Two. Currently, it is even longer than Book One, and this process has been exhausting. Yes, I am only part time, but I have learned to have massive respect for anybody who truly makes a living from this. I am still very much enjoying myself, and ten years from now, I hope to have built an amazing world for anybody who loves monsters and/or erotica to enjoy.

Hope you all had a great weekend (three day weekend in the States). Be good to each other!


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