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Hey all!

Update on the next chapter. I hit a serious bout of writer's block, and am doing my best on Chapter 18 of HFHM. I am definitely not happy with what I have right now, so will keep working at it. Just wanted to keep everybody posted!




I'm in no hurry, I'd love to see you turn out quality over quantity any time. go for a hike, climb up a mountain sit on a rock, smoke a bowl, or drink a beer. what ever gets your juices flowing. hell take a day for yourself at a spa and pamper yourself.


No worries, your stories are always worth the wait.


Thank you so much for the update, some creators just disappear I like that you let us know that you are keeping on don't worry abut the time we like your quality!


Take your time. We'll be here :)


No rush. Quality over quantity every time.