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Hey all!

So March came and went. What a brutal month! Things have slowed down at work, and my writing schedule is back on.

The next chapter of HFHM is about ten writing hours from completion. I didn’t want to rush it just to get another chapter online before the end of the month, and so many of you have been very supportive of waiting. I am hoping to post it next weekend. WIthout spoiling anything, Beth scenes do take me a bit longer to write ;P

Some news! HFHM is on round one edits right now. The editor is officially reading it! So that’s some excitement for all of us.

Some more news! After much consideration, I have an opportunity to go to part-time this summer, which I intend on taking. So many of you have put your faith and support in me, but work is officially getting in the way of my momentum. Since so many of you are willing to take a chance on me, I am going to take a chance on me too and drop about twenty hours off of my work week. Starting mid-June, I will have more time to write, which also means I will be around on Patreon and Lit a bit more!

Next month will be a good one, I can feel it!

Take care of one another, and I will see you next time!


P.S. Thank you to the Lit readers who have sent me “Are you ok/still alive“ letters. You will have something new soon!




annabelle since your willing to gamble and go for your dream... I'm doubling down on you. Good Luck to you on chasing your dreams.


You are a very talented writer. Take that leap of faith and I am positive your fans will be there to catch you.

Tony Bates

Doubling down is a good idea; small difference to us, huge potential impact for Annabelle. Done!


like so need make a story from l.a.


Annabelle, keep up the good work. In Writing, quality if far better than quantity.