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Hey all!

We've got the Superbowl just around the corner, and what better way to start off our February with a little fun! Who are you rooting for to win?

This Sunday is a day for eating too much, drinking (almost) too much, and spending time with friends and family. I hope you all have a fun, safe Superbowl Sunday.





Deflategate that, Sarah!


what can I say? I have always been, and always will be old school AFC. Besides, if they loose we can stuff a can of beer in them and roast them on the grill.


The Eagles have a good story, but living in Maine, what can you do but root for the Pats?


As a Brit I don't have any real preference, (would have been different had the Rams been playing) so I can choose the best of both worlds. But I've taken Monday off work so I can stay up til 4am to watch the whole game.


Right now, I'll even root for the Cowboys if they were in the Superbowl against the Patriots. Still, I'm not going to watch the game as I find the actions of the NFL this season to have been insulting and despicable.