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Hey all!

I thought I would put this out there for everybody since I have had a few readers ask about it.

I am working hard to make this page awesome, but I don't have any rewards above the five dollar amount. It was suggested to me that a good idea may be an "In-Progress" reward where I share a google doc link and you can actually view and comment on my chapters as I write them (and maybe spot my fuck-ups). I am thinking maybe a ten dollar range?

This is just a thought-I'm not changing the status quo for anybody's current rewards, but I also don't want to look at setting up the digital infrastructure if nobody cares. Also, you can comment below on additional reward ideas-the worst that happens is nothing changes, right?

Hope you all had a great weekend!




I am pretty much in teh same boat as Kurt, there are some fields where interacting with end users and comparing against folks working on similar stuff works out well (code for example) but in writing it can lead to the work being morphed into the brainchild of many rather than the work of the writer. Probably the best middle-ground would be to get a dedicated editor(s), folks who wold cover spelling, grammar and the world's lore. The last point grows more important teh longer and more numerous the chapters are, sometimes you may forget the tiny details or accidentally retcon stuff. TLDR: Dont have it a reward tier, but work on finding folks who can be critical but fair. (am I explaining that right?)

Annabelle Hawthorne

I worry so much about this. I think this is a community piece that I need to figure out, I just haven't had any brilliant flashes of insight yet.


I might suggest some short stories, one shots, collaborations, exclusive art, etc. to tempt people into higher tiers.