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Hey all!

I get a lot of questions in my email, on Literotica, through messenger, etc. I thought it would be fun to share with you some of my favorite questions and then my answers, especially because I don’t have an easy way to respond to Lit comments (without padding my comment count).

Are you going to include [insert monster here]? - Many Readers

This one is a tough one to answer, because I made the decision awhile (three weeks) back to surprise you with the monsters that get chosen. Without spoiling anything, I have a list of almost twenty (NOT A TYPO!) different monsters that may or may not become part of the story. I create a character first, on a piece of paper, and add in characteristics, description, etc. Then when I plan out my big plots, I decide which monster will fit the plot best. 

Then there are the ones I make up on the spot. Tink was made up on the spot. I love Tink. One reader asked if there would ever be a lizard type monster, to which I will say yes.

Where do you get your monster‘s mythology from?

I love old lore, absolutely love it! A lot of monster stuff right now is so heavily saturated with Hollywood influence, it’s simply too much. When I pick a monster, I go back to the original myths and culture so that I can properly honor their roots. This is especially evident in Cecilia, who isn't a vindictive spirit, but a guide to the afterlife.

How long will Home for Horny Monsters be?

I have enough plot lines for three 'books' as of right now. Considering the fact that the day I posted chapter 1 I hadn't even written chapter 2 yet, I feel like I am pretty far above the curve.

That's it for now! My out of town guest left this morning, and other than a cold that is slowing me down a bit, I took an extra day off work to get in some writing! Keep your eyes peeled this weekend for the next chapter!



I am enjoying the story and I know very little of “mythical” creature lore. I especially apricots your comment about attempting to look at the creature’s history. Myth as a reflection of the human condition is a lot more interesting than Hollywood.


Apricots? I was trying for “appreciate.”


(had intended to do <.< >.> over multiple lines but patreons formatting is strange). I tend to be a lurker on pages like these, there's probably quite a few of us. But I have enjoyed yer story immensely so far and hope I continue to do so in the future. I also hope that the fae and silkies are on yer list as well, they are rarely expressed as the duality they are (literal in silkies, psychological in fae). Either way it will be interesting to see your depiction of all the future guests. Happy typing!

Annabelle Hawthorne

Nothing definitive yet, but I have been researching various fairy type myths to fit in with one of the next Books. I am more familiar with Fae than Silkies, so that sounds like a great suggestion for me to look into!