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Hey all!

My out of town guest came over today, which means I'm going to be a little (lot?) quieter than usual, but don't despair! It just means that I am using what little free time I have to write instead of monitoring this page.

The next chapter in the Horny Monster Universe will be appearing next weekend, and will likely have some surprises in store. I am also busy drafting the following chapters as I bring what I am affectionately calling "Book One" to a close. For those of you scared that this means it is ending, fear not! It just means a major plot arc will get resolved before I introduce a new one. I have already begun writing a plot for "Book Two" with a list of potential monsters to introduce to you. It's like staring at a Victoria Secret's catalog for the Damned.

We are almost 75% of the way to out first goal! I am having so much fun writing these chapters for you folks. Thanks for supporting my (weird) dream, and I can't wait to begin incorporating artwork. 


P.S. If I ever decide to make Book One into an actual book, I will try and find a way to make certain that the eBook itself becomes a backer award and that everybody recieves one. It just isn't something I ever thought would become a 'thing.'



Hey...Tefler here as well.

Florida Reader

You write well, Annabelle. I like where you are going with the Iceman story as well. Make sure to add that to your Patreon posts. I got the referral from Tefler.