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It's snowing! Well, in parts of the Rockies, anyway.

Despite my computer doing a massive update (and being inoperative for about five hours), things are looking good for my current draft. I always write very rough and then spend a few days cleaning it all up before I post, so unless something happens, I am on track for a chapter post next Saturday (ish).

However, a question! I've had several comments telling me that I should change my chapter titles to keep the reader in suspense. I'm sure you've seen the recipe already (A [monster] in the [house location]), and have laughed (in a good way) at some of the suggestions. I'm just curious what my Patrons think.

For instance, instead of "A Goblin in the Garage!", Chapter 3 would be called "Squatter's Rights" (or something similarly clever). Of course, this formula only works whenever I intro a new monster, which means I kind of spoil the surprise. I originally did it because I thought readers would get excited about what/who was coming next, but I see wisdom in both arguments. I could always tease new monsters for my Patrons, so that's a thing.

I just want to know what my Patrons think. So give a click for me, would ya? Feel free to comment as well.


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