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He is known at the firehouse as Iceman, the man who avoids women. Nobody knows that he does it to protect his daughter from being embarrassed.

But now that his daughter is heading off to college, she tells him that she doesn't care what (or who) he does. And now her hot friends are officially on the menu.

*This is the start of a tale that will only have around five chapters (as it is currently planned). When this side project is complete, I will unlock a poll on the site for my Patrons to decide what becomes my next side project*

It was the middle of July, the temperature outside climbing steadily higher. The residents of the Glen (a moderately expensive housing development) were daily maxing the capacity of the neighborhood pool, forcing many to seek out their own methods of keeping cool. Rolling brownouts due to the heavy electrical toll caused many to sit in the confines of darkened homes, sweating it out until their air conditioning was turned back on.

Jason Dawes stood in the dark confines of his own house, staring out into his back yard. His daughter Naomi was holding a “Non-Pool party” with her friends from high school. There were seven teenagers in his back yard right now, all recent high school graduates (Go Beavers!). He shook his head as his daughter, nearly nineteen, snapped the back of her best friend Maria’s bikini top. There were a couple of boys at the non-party, dramatically jumping through his sprinkler in various attempts to impress the ladies.

The image in his yard was surreal. He and Naomi’s mother had divorced six years ago. As a result, Naomi had ended up several hundred miles away. Unable (and unwilling) to change jobs, Jason had watched his daughter grow up in random six month spurts when she would come out to visit him. Nearly a year ago, Naomi had called to let him know that her mother was getting married again, and that there was a job opening at one of the fire stations in town. Sensing the desire to fully reconnect over the phone, Jason made the move for his daughter. She had moved in over the winter months, and he slowly became acquainted with the life his little girl had built for herself in the small town of Eagle’s Haven.

One of the hardest things to come to terms with was how unbelievably attractive his daughter’s friends were. Not being able to watch these other girls grow up gave Jason just enough disconnect to fail to see them as his own children. Instead, they were gorgeous young women, the kind that he would ogle at the mall or while around town. Being a firefighter had its perks in the women he got attention from, but he simply could not go down that road with his daughter’s friends. In the six months he had been living in Eagle’s Haven, he had been very careful to avoid any form of flirting with the young women in town, a behavior which had earned him the nickname Iceman at the firehouse.

Here, however, in the dark of his own home, he could watch to his heart’s delight. Undoubtedly, these young women thought he was anti-social, but nothing could be farther from the truth. He was the father who was never home, the father who ordered them dinner and disappeared. The father who frequently masturbated behind the locked door of his bedroom to take off the edge after spending the day in the presence of several available women under his roof. 

He was also the father who loved his daughter and would never do anything to hurt her. This, unfortunately, included keeping his dick to himself.

To his left, the sliding door opened with a slight squeak, a reminder that he needed to hit it with some WD-40 later. In walked Megan and Brianne, their bodies covered in drops of water. Megan was thin and soft spoken, the school’s valedictorian. She was slender, her hair shoulder length, the color of roses. Brianne was a cheerleader from the school, with thick curls and brown hair. Her figure was very well rounded, with meat in all the right places. As the girls chatted, he couldn’t help but notice the butterfly tattoo just above Brianne’s ass, an ass that barely fit in her bathing suit.

“Mr. Dawes, are the burgers defrosted yet?” Megan asked, toweling her hair off. Jason looked down in the sink full of water. Usually he would just defrost them quickly in the microwave, but the current power outage had caused him to improvise. He removed the Ziploc bag from the sink of water, attempting to peel some of the patties apart.

“Are you girls getting hungry?” he asked, the cold meat sliding apart. He reached for one of the plates on the counter, which Megan rushed to hand him. Brianne stood next to him, appraising his efforts. Her head came up to his shoulders, and when she turned to face him, her soft breast rubbed across his arm.

“Something like that,” Brianne said. She turned away abruptly, brushing once more across his arm. Jason set his jaw in determination. This was a game that Brianne had been playing with him since February, when she had seen him shopping at the grocery store with his crew. Any other woman would have received a playful slap on the butt, or an invite to coffee, which would inevitably lead back to her place for...

Jason shook his head, scattering the image. He didn’t need to be standing at the sink with a hard on. He quickly loaded the rest of the plates, making sure no more patties were stuck together.

“I’ll take these out, Mr. Dawes.” Megan grabbed one of the plates of beef and took it outside to the grill. Brianne picked up another one, and Jason grabbed the last two. As he started to walk outside, Brianne deliberately walked through the door as he did, causing him to turn sideways. She rubbed her butt across his crotch, dragging it slowly. Jason’s left eye twitched, but he said nothing, stepping out into the backyard behind her.

The teens largely ignored Jason’s presence, though one of the boys came to ask if he needed any help grilling. Jason declined. The grill, preheated and seasoned, was set to sizzling up the burgers. Naomi and Megan made trips into the house to prepare the rest of the meal, and Brianne was showing the boys some of her yoga poses. Gabrielle, one of the other girls, got jealous and hosed Brianne down with icy water. Brianne screamed, and a random stream of water shoved the back of her bikini bottom down, revealing just the top of two perfectly formed, tanned buttocks.

“Fuck,” Jason muttered, returning his eyes to the grill. He was wearing sunglasses, but the last thing he needed was to be caught looking. Brianne was a big enough cock tease. He watched the meat cook, rotating the patties to give them some gorgeous grill marks before flipping them.

“Mr. Dawes, are you going to run through the sprinkler?” Brianne was holding the hose now, pointing at the sprinkler with her free hand. Jason was wearing a bathing suit and a tank top, but had no desire to run through the water.

“No, Brianne, you can leave it disconnected if you want. Lunch is almost ready.” For teens, any word related to food was magic. Instantly, they all lined up, Megan and Naomi handing out plates. Buns were prepared, and like clockwork, they all took turns at the grill. Naomi pecked him quickly on the cheek as she collected her meal.

“Thanks, dad.” It was a simple thing, a quick peck from his daughter, but it was his entire world right now. She walked over to the table and sat.

Brianne took her burger and sighed. “It’s too bad you don’t have any brats. There’s nothing better than a nice long piece of meat, if you know what I mean.” She adjusted her burger and sucked the grease slowly off her finger. Jason cleared his throat, desperately fighting off a reply.

Megan arrived with two plates. “Here, Mr. Dawes. I brought you yours. Naomi said you liked ketchup and pickles, no mustard.” Her bright eyes were wide and innocent, polar opposites of the smoldering glances Brianne gave him.

“Thank you.” Jason slid a patty onto Megan’s plate, and then his own. He turned the grill off, and piled the remaining patties on a separate platter. He had a large picnic table in his back yard, one that he had built during the spring. It was identical to the one he had built Naomi when she was little to have tea parties at, except bigger, of course.

Maria and Naomi sat across from Jason, surrounded by the boys, Nick and James. As Jason arrived, Brianne slid away from Gabrielle and Megan, forcing Jason to sit next to her. Inwardly sighing, he sat down. If the power wasn’t out, he would have eaten inside, giving his daughter’s friends their privacy.

“So what are you guys doing tonight?” he asked. Everyone spoke at once, but Jason got the impression that they were all going to a movie later, then dinner, and finally the girls were all coming back for a sleepover.

“Sounds like a fun day,” he replied.

“Maybe you should come with us,” Brianne suggested quietly. Naomi’s eyes narrowed briefly, but relaxed when Jason shook his head.

“You don’t need an old guy like me cramping your style.” Jason took a bite of burger. They were the cheap patties (he never bought the good stuff when it came to feeding teens), and made a mental note to grill himself a steak later.

“You can’t be that old, Mr. Dawes.” This from Megan on his left. Jason shifted slightly towards her. She was, in a way, the eye of hurricane Brianne. Calm and safe. Very easy to talk to.

“I will be forty in three months, actually.”

“No way!” Brianne grabbed his bicep, squeezing it playfully. “You’re way too hot to be that old!”

Everybody laughed, except Jason and Naomi. Brianne had been playing her game extra hard today, and it appeared that his daughter had finally caught on. Jason took Brianne’s hand in his own and lowered it back to the table.

“It’s true, I’m afraid. I’m lucky just to wake up in the morning. If Naomi didn’t make sure I got all of my meds, I would probably drop dead right here.” Jason made a show of faking a heart attack, causing everyone to laugh.

“Seriously, how often do you work out?” Nick asked. James, eager to hear the answer, leaned in.

“I swim when the pool isn’t crowded. Staying fit isn’t really a choice for me.” Jason licked some ketchup off his fingers. “I lift some. Naomi goes running with me on the weekends, when I’m home.”

“I make him run,” Naomi snorted. “All he wants to do when he’s home is drink beer and watch Game of Thrones.”

“It’s better than that Teen Mom crap you want to watch.” Playful arguments erupted at the table as to the merits of Teen Mom. Naomi dismissed the accusation with a wave.

“He has to be in shape so that he stays alive,” Naomi growled. “Did you know he almost died when I was nine?”

Jason felt a pit open up in his stomach. Not this again, he thought. The last thing he needed was his job ruining his daughter’s non-party.

“She’s right. We were responding to a house fire in the middle of the night when things got out of control.” He could picture the details vividly in his mind. A two story had gone up in flames, and he and his partner Larry had gone inside to pull out a kid who was stuck on the second floor. The smell of burning wood, the sound of the beams creaking under the weight of the house. “The fire was caused in the kitchen, but we didn’t know that the owner had a bunch of oily rags and paint stored in his garage. While we were in the house, the garage ignited and trapped my partner and I on the second story. What should have been an in-and-out went sour.”

“What happened?” Gabrielle asked. She was a pretty Latino girl who lived two blocks over. Jason didn’t know her well-she didn’t come over that often. 

“My partner Larry found the kid. We picked him up and ran for a back window. By the time they got the ladder positioned, the room was already going up. The floor buckled just as I handed Larry the kid, and I fell through to the first floor.”

“Shit! I mean shoot!” Maria blushed. “How did you get out?”

“Luck.” Jason stood and lifted his shirt, revealing a long, curved scar along his ribs. “When I fell, I got caught up on a collapsed beam that was still lying across a table. The whole thing shifted and dumped me out the dining room window. Broke most of my ribs and punctured a lung.”

“And he was in the hospital for six weeks.” Naomi finished. “Mom got really upset, and asked him to quit.”

“And I refused.” Jason sighed. “And that’s a big part of the reason I’m no longer with Naomi’s mother.” Jason was still holding his shirt up when he felt a hand run along the scar on his side. Brianne, mouth agape, let her hand run across the toned muscles across his abdomen.

“Brianne!” Naomi stuttered. “I need to talk to you about something, right now.” His daughter practically ripped Brianne from the bench as the two walked into the house. Jason put his shirt back down.

“Point being,” Jason finished, “I don’t work out for any reason other than to be at my very best at all times.” Jason stood from the table. “I’ll be right back.”

Jason left the group to their ruminations as he entered the darkness of his home. He could hear the shrill voice of his daughter from her bedroom, followed by a sharp retort from Brianne. He walked up the stairs and knocked on his daughter’s door.

Hearing no answer, he opened it. Naomi and Brianne were squared off, both red in the face. Neither girl noticed him at first, but he placed a calming hand on his daughter’s shoulder. She jumped.

“Naomi, may I speak with you for a minute?”

“Dad, I’m in the middle of-“

“It’s not a request.” He put a tiny amount of pressure on her, enough to get the point across that he meant business. As they left, he pointed to Brianne. “And you. You stay here.”

Brianne shrugged, and Jason took Naomi out into the hall.

“I need to say something, and I need you to actually hear it. In a couple of months, you and your friends are going to split apart, maybe forever.” Naomi opened her mouth, but Jason put a finger to her lips. “Even so, your friendship today matters. I’m not certain what your mom has told you about me over the years, but I want to get two things straight. The first is that I only had a string of girlfriends after your mother left me to fill the hole that she left. The second is that I gave up that lifestyle the moment you invited me out here.”

“Dad, she’s being a whore around you!” Naomi protested, but Jason shushed her once more.

“And she won’t be the only one. I need you to know right now that our relationship is more important to me than anything that girl in there can offer me. What’s to stop her from coming around once you are gone at college? You need to trust me when I say that I have no interest in spoiling what we have just to fool around with your friends. Even so, let her be a whore. Ultimately, this is my decision to make, and I won’t let you down.”

Naomi’s face was flush with anger, so much like her mother. Jason sat there in silence, giving her time to process his words. This was the closest thing to an argument they had had.

“Is this why the guys at the station call you Iceman?” It was a question he hadn’t expected, but Jason nodded.

“It is. This is a relatively small town, and you seem to know everybody here. I didn’t want to embarrass you, and I certainly never want to hurt you. I’m actually going to explain that to her when we are done talking.”

His daughter sat in thought once more, arms crossed over her breasts. In this, she wasn’t like her mother. Linda was well known for her anger, but Naomi had clearly inherited her father’s voice of reason.

“So, if not for me, would you fuck her?”

Jason opened his mouth, and closed it. Would he, if given the choice to do so without repercussion? How did he answer that question from his own daughter? Should he chastise her for her language? No, she was an adult now, she could vote, she could smoke, she could go to war. He decided to take the direct approach.

“In all honesty, I would. She’s eighteen, and she’s hot. I’m not going to lie to you and say no. But I need you to know that I won’t.” Unless you let me, he thought. It had been almost six months, six months of agonizing erections, of wearing tighter pants to hide his seven inch cock, six months of sneaking porn off his phone in the bathroom while his daughter’s friends hung around his house in outfits that had only become smaller as summer approached.

Naomi grinned briefly, and laughed to herself. “Did you know that she asked me once if you were gay? I knew you weren’t, but I didn’t know the reason why you were being so… icy.” She leaned in and kissed Jason on the cheek. “Thank you, Dad.”

Jason sighed, the situation diffused.

“Can I tell you something, though?” Naomi leaned in close, whispering. “The only reason I don’t want her to fuck you is that she’ll fuck anybody. She’s the village bicycle around here, and I don’t want you being the notch in her bedpost to hold over me. I know that if you did, she would brag about it to everyone, and use it to make me miserable.”

“Can I tell you how uncomfortable this conversation is making me?” Jason whispered back.

“Daddy, you can fuck whoever you want. Really, I’m fine with it. Just… don’t rub it in my face like she would.” Naomi gave him a peck on the cheek. “I’ll be outside. Tell Brianne she can come back if she wants.”

She walked past, leaving Jason with her words. He stared at the door to his daughter’s bedroom. The young lady inside wasn’t likely to stop anytime soon-if anything, she would probably be even more determined after fighting with his daughter. Jason mulled it over for a few seconds. The problem seemed so foreign, yet so familiar.

That’s when it hit him.

When had the lines become so blurred? When he was a teen, this would have never happened with a girl. In thinking about it, Brianne was doing the same thing that some of the jocks did when Jason was still in school. Sex with others as a display of conquest and social status. Maybe Brianne was a whore in his daughter’s eyes, but could the same be said about a man?

No. This was about power. Looking back on what he knew about the girl, she enjoyed the power her body gave her over others, and it was similar to the power he had felt as he had added notches to his own bedpost. 

Maybe the solution to the problem was to take that power away.

Jason shook his head, opening the door. He knew what he wanted to do, and what he should. Brianne was sitting on the bed, her tan, slender legs crossed. Her left leg bounced up and down as she attempted to pull up a piece of carpet fluff with her toes. Seeing that it was him, Brianne let her shoulders shift backward, pushing out her breasts, a sly smile on her face.

"Hello, Mr. Dawes."

"Brianne." Jason sat next to her. "So, this may be uncomfortable to talk about, but we need to chat about, well, us."

"Oh?" Her grin got bigger and she moved closer.

"More like, how there can't ever be an us." Jason shifted away from the horny teen. "You're my daughter's friend, and we need to respect those boundaries. Besides, I'm way older than you to begin with. You should be flirting with men your own age."

"Maybe I don't like men my own age." Brianne slid closer again, and suddenly her hand was on his thigh, teasing at the lower boundary of his swim trunks. "Maybe I'm into older men, specifically firefighters." Her hand moved up, pushing his shirt aside to reveal chiseled abs. "Maybe I need someone to put out a fire of my own."

Jason couldn't help it; he laughed. He had heard that line from women before, but somehow Brianne's age and her general attitude made it silly. His laughter changed the mood in the room immediately, causing Brianne to move away in embarassment.

"Seriously, you need to stop. Naomi is pissed at you, but she said you could come back to her party when you're ready. She's pretty awesome like that." Jason stood from the bed and opened his daughter's door.

"She’s such a fucking bitch. This party sucks. I don't feel like hanging out anymore with her and her faggot father anyway."

Jason froze at the door. He could feel them, all the voices of reason slowly stripping away, dissolving into the red light in the back of his mind. Two distinct identities emerged, standing side by side for his own comparison. There was Jason the father, the man who worked hard to make his little girl happy.

Than there was the other Jason, the one he had left behind when he had moved, Wild Jason. The one who liked to fuck and forget, the one who picked fights in bars. The two Jason's regarded each other briefly, and Dad Jason shrugged.

"He just called our little girl a bitch." Dad Jason pulled a chair from the aether of Jason's mind and sat down. "I'm going to sit this one out." Wild Jason pumped a fist in the air, excited.

Jason turned slowly, blocking the door. Brianne made as if to push past him, but he clamped a hand of iron down on her wrist.

"You... you think I'm gay?" he asked, a tiny tremor in his voice. This was no longer about just his daughter anymore. Wild Jason’s pride was on the line.

"Anybody who doesn't want to get with all this has to be." Brianne pulled her hand free and grabbed her breasts, squeezing them in Jason's face.

"Oh no, little girl. I think you have it backward." Jason’s voice was cool as he closed the door behind him, stepping forward into Brianne's personal space. Two strong hands reached out, clamping down on Brianne's slender hips, pulling her up against him. The thrill of her warmth against his body caused his blood to boil, and he ground his erection into her stomach. Brianne gasped in surprise as his hands slid up to meet hers, moving past to slide beneath the fabric of her bikini top. Thick fingers found tiny, erect nipples that rose up as he pinched them tightly. Brianne gasped again, and let out a small moan.

In his current state of arousal, she weighed almost nothing. Jason dropped his hands to her waist and lifted her, moving her back into the bedroom until she fell on his daughter's bed. Brianne tilted her face up, her mouth seeking his, but he pushed her away.

"It's not that I don't want to get with this..." Jason pulled her bikini top up, revealing tiny, pink nipples with large areolas. He bit one, and Brianne's arms wrapped around his head. "It's that I think you can't handle what I have to give you."

"Oh, Jason," she moaned, running her fingers through his thick hair as he suckled on her breasts. He lifted his head and growled.

"That's Mr. Dawes to you." Jason pushed her away, forcibly grabbing her bikin bottom. "You will show me some respect while you are in my house." He pulled the bottom free, marveling at the skin beneath. Brianne obviously tanned at a salon, her skin uniformly dark. He pushed her legs apart, revealing the crinkled lips of her pussy. His focus narrowed and he pulled her in, letting his tongue briefly run up and down the skin of her thighs, inhaling her scent. Brianne sighed, pulling his head in towards her core, mewling softly as his lips touched hers. His tongue pushed aside the delicate folds as his hands cupped her buttocks, gently pulling them towards him.

"Oh, Mr. Dawes," she moaned as he tasted her. She was sweet and slightly pungent, a good combination. Her groans motivated him, and he allowed his tongue to circle the tiny nub at the top of her pussy, swirling it around expertly. He sucked and lightly bit it in succession, listening closely to the sounds she made, feeling her tense up. It wasn't long before he found what he was looking for, and he quickly initiated his attack.

"Mr. Dawes, oh, Mr. Daws... Oh!" Jason had a few hunches about his daughter's friend, and one of them was being confirmed right now. The girl had likely never had an experienced lover, one who knew how to get what he wanted. Knowing that the girl in his arms was quickly getting off made him rock hard. He traced his fingers down the light, auburn fluff of her pubes, pulling the skin up to better expose her clit. As he swept his tongue from her folds to the hard little nub, he slid two fingers inside her, feeling her clamp down. She let out a hiss of surprise, and her hands grabbed at the back of his head, pinning him in. Muscular legs wrapped around his ears, muffling the sounds of the outside world. Somewhere in the distance, he could hear his name, punctuated by heavy moans.

She came hard, bucking her hips. He lifted her up from the bed, curling his fingers and pressing up into the rough folds where her g-spot should be. Her abs tightened, locking her body in place with her shoulders and head the only thing touching the soft green comforter of his daughter’s bed. With a gasp, she released him, going limp.

“Mr. Dawes,” she whispered, pulling him in. Her fingers started to fumble at the waistband of his pants, but he slapped them away.

“I don’t think so,” he muttered coldly, pushing her back. “That was to prove a point for calling me gay.” He pulled her to her feet, quickly spinning her around so that he was sitting on the bed as she stood. “Now we need to address calling my little girl a bitch.”

Brianne’s muscles were weak from her orgasm, leaving her as putty in his hands. He yanked her down, bending her over his knees. 

“I’m guessing your parents didn’t do this enough,” he hissed as he brought his hand down hard across her naked butt cheek. Brianne yelped in pain as he struck her once, twice, and then a third time. She fought to push herself up, but Jason pinned her down with his left arm as he slid his right thumb into her vagina.

Brianne groaned, going limp once more as he finger fucked her. He sought out those rough folds once more, rubbing his thumb in a clockwise direction inside her. His fingers found her clitoris, rubbing it in time with his internal movements, causing her skin to flush and her breath to become heavy and ragged.

Her breath quickened, and he withdrew his hand to slap her on the ass, leaving behind the slick moisture of her pussy. She gasped for air as he slid his hand back in and fucked her even harder with his hand. Her hand reached back and squeezed at his leg, the only thing she could reach.

“Oh god,” she moaned as he pulled his fingers back out. One hard slap to her already red buttocks, and back in his fingers went.

“We,” he said, withdrawing again for another slap. His fingers slid back in as he continued, punctuating each word with another spanking. “Don’t. Call. Each. Other. Names!” With his left hand, he grabbed a handful of her hair, pulling her head up and back. He jammed his thumb in deep, caressing her pussy with the rest of his fingers as she bucked against him, her mouth wide open in surprise. The strange groan from her mouth could have been an attempt to speak, but Jason didn’t care. Brianne gasped for air, moisture running down her inner thighs as her legs started to straighten, her muscles beginning to contract.

His fingers slick with her juices, Jason waited for her first contraction around his thumb. As soon as he felt her clamp down, he withdrew his thumb quickly and slid it just inside her ass, filling her pussy with his two middle fingers. She tensed in surprise, and he pulled back on her hair as she came hard, her fingers clawing at his leg through his swim trunks. His erection was rock hard now, pushing up into her side as she turned red in the face, her eyes rolling up in her head.

Brianne slid from his lap, going limp on the floor. Her brown eyes were blank, unable to focus on anything in the room. Jason stood over her, undoing the knot in his swim trunks. His cock sprang into view, hovering over the exhausted cheerleader’s body. He knelt down on the floor, lifting her legs up to position the head of his dick at her sex, rubbing just the tip in her juices. Jason leaned forward so that their noses almost touched.

“Fuck me,” she begged, weak hands clawing at his buttocks. Jason shook as he placed one hand behind her neck, lifting her face and turning it so he could whisper in her ear.

“That’s just the thing,” he said. “My daughter told me not to fuck you. And until you can find a way to convince her otherwise, to convince her that deep down, you can become a better person, you will never have my dick inside of you.”

Brianne moaned quietly, out of breath as he pulled himself away. He tucked his erection back in his shorts, not making eye contact with the girl on the floor. It was one of the hardest things he had ever done, leaving a girl naked and begging on the floor. In his mind, Wild Jason stormed out of the room as Dad Jason resumed his roll of being a good parent.

He stopped for a minute to wash his hands and recompose himself, splashing cold water on his face. When he stepped outside, Naomi was waiting with a wary look. He walked directly to his daughter and gave her a hug.

“Things should be different from now,” he said. “And not because we, well, you know.”

Naomi looked dubious, but nodded. It was hard to see his daughter as any sort of adult, especially one willing to discuss his love life. He let her go.

Brianne emerged from the house about thirty minutes later. She kept her eyes down and away from Jason. After a brief conversation with Naomi, the two hugged and Brianne left without another word. Jason let out a sigh of relief.

The non-pool party was winding down, so Jason excused himself to the house. Almost an hour later, the power came back on. Jason took the opportunity to soak himself in a cold shower, putting on a tank top and boxers after. Naomi and her friends changed clothes and left for their movie, leaving the house empty.



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